Never Obsolete – IOTW Report

Never Obsolete

22 Comments on Never Obsolete

  1. In a way, they are never obsolete, just depends on how much time you want to spend goofing with it.

    I have a 10+ year old p4 that I just gave up a few months ago. Did I run out and replace it with a laptop or a tablet? NO, I bought another tower.

  2. In 1970, I was majoring in “Data Processing.” A guy I worked with in a print shop said, “Why are you going into computers? In 5 years all computer programs they’ll ever need will already have been written!”

  3. most processors in cell phones are running faster than 566 Mhz, and with multiple cores.

    You could load Linux and use it as a platform to teach programming if you’re really into reusing stuff.

  4. My I phone 4 still works great. Use it off the hotspot wi-fi link on the 5s.
    Not in a case but,would advice to use one.
    So far the iPhone 4 fell 3 times. Since it was new. 2 years ago.
    Slid off shelf. 2 foot fall. Twice. Right on the face. Then slid off a shelf 5 feet. Right on the face. Wood floor did not shatter.
    One slight problem with the 5s. The auto correct sucks it.

  5. Um , I still have an e-machine, that I bought from a 2nd hand Thrift Store 4 or 5 yrs ago! I don’t use it every day anymore since I bought this litle Chromebook last year, but when the kids want a keyboard instead of their tablets and they swipe it, I flop my butt down at the desktop and a way I go! As long as I don’t try to watch any videos on………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Snotr…

  6. Never owned a Mac. Never cared for the It’s-our-stuff-and-don’t-you-dare-look-under-the-hood mentality of Apple. Windows based PCs have got 100s of millions of people around the world on-line, inexpensively. Looking at Apple prices, they can’t say that.

    I’ve built every computer I’ve ever owned — except one. They all lasted about 4 years before I upgraded. I would donate the old but still quite usable computers to charity. (I would build them “big” so they would still have life after I was done with them.)

    The only one I haven’t built is a Dell Inspiron Zino HD. Basically, it’s a laptop in a box. It is 8x8x3.5, loaded, and is still pretty powerful for today, considering it is 3+ years old.

  7. sorry, but the case is probably obsolete too.

    It’s probably got like 1 or 2 usb 1.0 on the front down at the bottom under a cover where the are nearly impossible to get to. The new cases have USB ports towards the top where they are handy and easy to get to. Not to mention some of the old cases like that are somewhat custom and proprietary and more trouble than they’re worth. Toss the whole mess.

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