New Mexico lawmaker credits Trump for helping boosting U.S. energy production – IOTW Report

New Mexico lawmaker credits Trump for helping boosting U.S. energy production

Just The News- President Trump warned Tuesday that a Bernie Sanders presidency would shutter oil refineries across the U.S.

“We’re the largest producer of energy by far, and it wasn’t that way not so long ago,” Trump said at a National Association of Counties conference, in Washington, D.C. 

He also called to the stage Rebecca Long, a commissioner in New Mexico’s Lee County, who said Trump’s policies have helped her county become the second-largest oil and gas producer in the United States.

“Thank you from Lee County, New Mexico, where your energy agenda is helping us with quicker right-of-way permits on BLM [Bureau of Land Management] land and drilling permits,” Long said. “We’re getting those faster. So that’s helping America be energy independent. So we appreciate that.”  read more

6 Comments on New Mexico lawmaker credits Trump for helping boosting U.S. energy production

  1. Santa Fe is clearly ruling against the wishes of its residents. Proof of that is in the number of sheriffs unwilling to enforce Lujan’s red flag law. Something like 29 out of 33 of them. The commies needs to be given the boot in the next elections.

  2. Trump ought to see if she wants to help him in the election and spread the word around the state about how they are far better off now then they ever were under Barky. Hell, if she’s serious she would jump at the chance to help ensure Trump is re-elected and the GOP takes back Congress and holds the Senate.

  3. it should have been this way for years

    it’s only the stupid democrat policies that made us beholding to the middle east for so long

    I wish we could sue the democrats for the policies enacted that led to our loss of life in the middle east

    our veterans are worth more than all the environmentalists and democrats nut job wacko’s


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