New York Times: When communism inspired Americans – IOTW Report

New York Times: When communism inspired Americans

Bombthrowers: It’s inconceivable that the New York Times or any paper would run a glowing piece titled, “When Nazis Inspired Americans.” No fond recollections from participants in the Madison Square Garden rally. No fond memories of Bund camps. No sugar-coated recollections of how the Thousand Year Reich would create a better world… only to then learn that Hitler wasn’t a very nice man.

But the New York Times will run “When Communism Inspired Americans.” It will run it because while Communism didn’t inspire Americans, it did inspire the left to try and turn America into a totalitarian state. It still does. This is the dirty little secret that leaks out of the left.

When the media runs these evocative nostalgic pieces about Communism, it’s the equivalent of a pedophile sharing snapshots of summer camp. It’s the disgusting secret of truly vile people leaking out.  read more

14 Comments on New York Times: When communism inspired Americans

  1. The NYT is despicable. Their own star reporter Walter Duranty knowingly and actively covered up the ongoing atrocities in Communist Russia back in the 20’s and 30’s and the fucker even got a fucking Pulitzer Prize for it!

    If the NYT had a shred of decency, they would return that particular Pulitzer, along with a goddam apology.

  2. To millenials who claim to embrace communism – do you love your iPhone as much as it appears you do? It doesn’t exist under communism. In a totalitarian state, which is necessary for communism to exist, there is no incentive to innovate because the folks at the top are just fine with their status, and there is no upside to taking the risk of innovation. Furthermore, the last thing the central government wants is to give the proles easier access to communication and information (see, e.g. China or North Korea). All those things that millenials deem vital to their existence don’t, in fact, exist under communism. Even your protest movements such as Occupy Whatever or #I’mPissedAtSomething don’t exist, although you are free to praise the dear leader(s) to your heart’s content.

    I will agree that communism is magic – if you like seeing things disappear. How can an oil rich nation like Venezuela run out of toilet paper? But that’s the beauty of communism – it results in scarcity in a sea of plenty.

    Bernie Sanders questioned whether or not Americans needed 27 different kinds of deordorant. I agree with Bernie; we don’t need 27 different kinds of deordorant – we need 57 different kinds of deordorant. That’s the difference between communism and capitalism; communism will be lucky to produce one kind of crappy deordorant while capitalism will give you enough choices to make your head spin in the pharmacy aisle.

  3. The Nazis were our enemies, and they lost the war.
    The Russian Communists were our allies (of convenience), and they won the war.

    If you’re searching for the difference, look no further than that.

  4. Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggression pact and divided Poland the way roommates divide a pizza. The American Communist Party lobbied for isolationism.

    Hitler’s racism overpowers his socialism (he thought Slavs just a notch above das Juden) and he attacks Russia. Stalin flicks a switch, and the American Communist Party lobby for war with Germany.

    It was at that point that the American Left started using fascism as a dirty word, even though they still embrace its principle of state control of everything.

  5. Geeknerd nailed it.

    Communism is just one branch of Socialism. The other three branches are fascism, National Socialism, Progressivism

  6. I would chip in some big bucks if we could get DNA tests of Obama, other offspring of Barack Obama Sr., and of the lineage of noted Communist Frank Marshall Davis.

  7. Whutta load of fuckin Propaganda!! Simply more shit to flim-flam the younger generation who never knew any better, especially considering the fact that they don’t teach History anymore. Throw that Rat-Bastard’s Communist Core into the equation and you wind up with a generation of mixed up kids that have no clue what the truth is… which I happen to believe was the real intent of Common Core. You had an extreme radical Left-wing, pro-Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, America-Hating, bomb-throwing, self-professed Communist named Bill Ayers develop the Common Core time-bomb and then use the Obama administration, and its zeal to weaken America any way possible, as the vehicle to deliver it. These radical Left Wing-Nuts went right for our children with the full approval of Revrum Wright’s God-Damn America-hating, lawless, phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic Marxist Muslim Mallard knowing full well the long-term effects of their twisted pretzel-logic will cripple the thinking capabilities of the next generation! Good luck getting a competent, straight thinking engineer out of Common Ca-Ca! The New Yak Times is part and parcel of this movement delivering propaganda as tho it is some kind of a credible source. Far from it! In my day we just called it brain-washing!

  8. I keep telling everyone to read Witness by Whittaker Chambers as well as The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and The Chronicles Of Wasted Time by Malcom Muggeridge if they want to know the truth about communism. These books will open your eyes to the absolute evil of communism and what it has done over the past 100 years since Lenin and Stalin took over Russia after World War 1. All three of the above authors are my heroes for daring to speak the truth about communism and it’s evils.

  9. It’s understandable that you’d say, “It’s inconceivable that the New York Times or any paper would run a glowing piece titled, ‘When Nazis Inspired Americans.’”

    However, the Times did, in fact and in print, support the Nazi movement in the 1930s. The American progressives loved Hitler and the Nazi’s and wholeheartedly supported the Fascists. JFK visited Nazi Germany and came back to report glowing reviews of what was going on there. He actually supported the claim that the Germans were superior to other races. FDR sent a team to Italy to study Mussolini’s fascism. He believed it would be better than the New Deal. And the admiration was mutual. Mussolini reviewed FDR’s book in an Italian newspaper, and said, I like FDR, he’s one of us!

    It wasn’t until after the war that modern liberal Democrats shifted the blame onto the American people.

    I highly recommend watching every piece of video available, of Dinesh D’Souza. His college speeches (and Q/A sessions) are on YouTube (and his movies are very good), and while they’re quite repetitious, I learned something new in every one. So they’re worth sitting through. His statements on history are astonishing.

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