Newly Sworn in Transportation Secretary Quickly Gets to Work – IOTW Report

Newly Sworn in Transportation Secretary Quickly Gets to Work

Daily Caller

Shortly after Duffy was sworn in as transportation secretary on Tuesday, he signed a memorandum to begin the process of resetting the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)’s Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. As a result of regulatory costs, the CAFE standards have “diminished the strength of America’s auto industry” and “denied Americans the full range of affordable vehicles they need,” according to a DOT press release. More

6 Comments on Newly Sworn in Transportation Secretary Quickly Gets to Work

  1. The manufacturers make the vehicles lighter weight and so less safe then they have to install a dozen air bags and that stupid stall feature at red lights when the govt insists on unreachable fuel standards. Then they will make some vehicles little Matchbox size so they can get the average they need so they can still make trucks.
    This will make our cars so much better.
    Tsquared, I drive an 08 Jeep Grand Cherokee that just turned to 101,000 mi
    It’s the biggest 8 cylinder Jeep made so it sounds like a 1 ton truck. 🙂


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