Newsom Challenges DeSantis to a Debate – IOTW Report

Newsom Challenges DeSantis to a Debate

UK Daily Mail

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has challenged Ron DeSantis to a debate over his decision to send 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard – just as the Florida governor doubles down on sending more migrants to Democratic ‘sanctuary cities.’ 

Earlier this week, DeSantis mimicked his Texas and Arizona counterparts in sending over groups of migrants to Democrat-led cities up north in protest of the Biden Administration’s border policies. 

Newsom and other Democratic leaders have slammed the move as playing with people’s lives, with the California governor going so far as to call for kidnapping charges against DeSantis. More

50 Comments on Newsom Challenges DeSantis to a Debate

  1. Even though DeSantis would embarrass him I don’t think DeSantis should should help raise newsom’s profile by agreeing to a debate. Don’t even give that asshole the time of day.

  2. DeSantis: Hey Gavin Nuisance. Why don’t you try not ruining your own state at warp speed, pretty boy? Stay out of our business tend your own garden, you useless piece of human feces.

  3. DeSantis is too busy running his state (and doing a great job) to care about the Gavster. Newsom ought to try fixing his own effed up state before telling somebody else how to run theirs.

  4. Janeway, aren’t you the one that lost the Starship Voyager in the Delta quadrant? You’d still be there if DeSantis hadn’t saved your sorry ass. Seems like you’re still lost.

  5. Anonymous is trying real hard today.

    It warms my heart to see those disadvantaged intellectually attempt to converse with superior, sentient adults.
    Keep trying buddy!
    We’re rooting for you to come along.

  6. It doesn’t make any sense for DeSantis to debate hair gel. DeSantis will state a fact, you know like the world is round. Then the lefty media will light their hair on fire and scream from the rooftops that DeSantis actually believes hateful disinformation that the world is round!!! And spend the next few months trashing him over it. The walruses watching will dutifully cheer for his demise as they prove to the world, but don’t notice themselves, how out of touch with reality they really are.

  7. Anonymous, anonymous, anonymous. Your team fills your head with the current truth, they pull the string on your neck and you come here and regurgitate it. If you’d remained silent, we’d have only thought you a fool. You continue to open your mouth and by doing so, remove all doubt. Whatever. Your thoughts and opinions are worthless. They have no value.

  8. Look at all the dumb trolls. This DeSantis/Newsom stuff sure has them triggered. I’m sure DeSantis is quaking in his boots at a threat of being prosecuted for transporting illegals who were transported into his state in the first place. Nobody hypocrites like Democrats can.

  9. It’s almost as if Newsom had ideas of running for president in 2024.

    Close, but I think democRATz have the idea of placing him in the White House through some sketchy maneuvers.

    (I may have misspelled manure)

  10. “Illegally transport of immigrants over state lines!”

    Oh dang that’s a good laugh. This Libtard thinks illegals are guns. Typical Libtard. Let’s just make shit up. Stupid fuck. They are not immigrants, they are illegals, and they are state sponsored invaders. And the Libtards at Martha’s Vineyard should be criminally investigated. They use the military to move these people out of their hood but it’s just fine if your in yours.They missed one though. He has fake Hawaiian I.D.

  11. I’ll go against the grain here and say DeSantis should debate him. Newsom is one dumb fuck. He’s bailed out of every debate he’s ever had. That’s easy to confirm. DeSantis could permanently end his political career. It be fun to watch.

  12. ^ My theory:

    Pre-election full court press by DNC / SOROS / CCP / PLA / GLOBALISTS / ELITES / DEEP STATE cabals. Trolls are paid for terse comments that persuade regular commenters to give up in disgust. The Trolls never actually advance an argument of their own and probably don’t even have one. If correct, it means that the 2022 midterms can’t be stolen with sufficient numbers to protect the cabal’s idiot (you know, you know the Pedo McThing!) and his fellow DOJ, FBI and elected criminals (Clinton’s / Obama’s / Pelosi’s / Schumer’s / Bush’s etc.) and large-scale Internet influence is required to intervene.

  13. Loco

    I’ve seen it. It is very good. I should have been more specific about my claim. Newsom has never participated in a debate against an opposing candidate. And Adam Corolla might have had something to do with that. LOL

  14. DeSantis just needs to come out & announce, “I refuse a battle of wits w/ a so thoroughly unarmed man. It’s unseemly to take advantage of the mentally disadvantaged”.

    Gavin Gruesome is so delusional that he actually believes he’s popular

  15. To all here, DeSantis is not one of us.
    He is only going to look out for himself and the deep state and will screw President Trump and us as soon as he can.
    Lets see how soon he gets on board with Rubio.
    He now has a 200 million dollar war chest and climbing. Why?

  16. Geoff, WUT???

    I see ABSOLUTELY no evidence of anything you said about DeSantis being true.

    The man is Trump + discipline + patience + savvy.
    Trump needs to learn from Ron going into 2023.

    Before Brad chimes in, I’m pulling for Trump in 2024 and DeSantis to keep making Florida great again as Govenator until 2026…

  17. WELL LOCO, U CRAZY MOFO. LOL. I read the origin of that bull shit and it started on a guys blog, who a lot of people listen to for some reason or other, who\’s never been right about a God Damn thing. The guys got a perfect batting average. ZERO. I\’m not naming him because the dude actually commented here a couple days ago. And the the Tree House Picked it up. They both bought into controlled opposition as far as I\’m concerned. It was all innuendoes. Why are we, as a group, trying to cut one of our owns throats for no reason. I\’ll judge DeSantes by his actions and his actions have been PERFECT.

  18. Brad, I don’t get where Geoff is coming from???
    DeSantis took on DISNEY, who are fucking Thanos when it comes to powerful corporations in Florida.

    Disney should have respected the fuck out of DeSantis because his decisions kept Disney World open in Florida while Disneyland was shuttered for over a year in California due to covid.

    Did Disney appreciate that?
    Hell no, they tried to drum up outrage and went along with calling his bill “don’t say gay.”

    Name me a single politician that wouldn’t buckle?
    Ron said “OK fuckers…it’s ON!”

    The dude is a fucking walking-talking BLUEPRINT of how to shove it up the dems & MSM’s ASSES!

    Um, see Martha’s Vineyard if you need more proof Geoff.

  19. Brad, I agree. I\’m not attacking Geoff and offered no ad hominem attacks.
    I just was curious as to the basis of his comments about RD?
    They make zero sense to me.

    I believe Geoff lives in Oregon and thus doesn\’t quite understand what a bullet was dodged in Florida in 2018.
    DeSantis won by 30,000 votes over a leftist drug-addled obama wannabe.
    When Covid hit, Trump deferred to Fauci and DeSantis told the little elf to fuck himself.
    RD gave other governors a lead for them to follow.
    Look at Kristi Noem, she had a chance to keep men out of women\’s sports.
    She fucking caved. RD would not, did not.
    Texas gov is also borderline pussy without DeSantis cover.

    DeSantis will be president one day, God willing.
    To paraphrase Princess Leia, \”help us Ron DeSantis, you\’re our only hope…\”

  20. One last point:
    The MSM want desperately to pit Trump vs DeSantis.
    They want it bad.
    So far both have been respectful.
    I don’t believe RD will run if Trump decides to.
    We need to stick together and Trump as president and DeSantis as America’s governor would be unstoppable.

    Of course we have to get past election fraud and a corrupt DOJ, FBI, IRS, Etc…

  21. “The MSM want desperately to pit Trump vs DeSantis.”

    Yep. I get emails from some dumb ass group named “Are You Ready For Ron”. Constantly asking for money a touting his achievements. His biggest achievement? Elon likes him. I’ve hit unsubscribe about a bazillion times. No Good. I’ll almost guarantee you the same pricks that are behind this are the same pricks labeling DeSantis as a deep state RINO. Libtards have no sense of ethics and no problem cheating. They have no sole.

  22. Something more germane to the original topic, which I should have mentioned much earlier. California Democrat Committee has announced they will no longer waist there time debating Republicans. No more debates in California.

  23. If you remember the anti-Trump “Moderators” from his Presidential debates, you know that any debate between a Democrat and a non-RINO will be poisoned from the word “GO”.

    Example intro:

    Moderator: “Good evening. We are here tonight for a long-awaited debate between our beloved Gavin Newsome, Governor of that greatest of States the Golden State of California, protector of the poor, champion of the downtrodden, conqueror of COVID, First Friend of Freedom, master of one of the largest economies in the world, slayer of racism, protector of the faith, proud patriot in a noble cause, the personification of the Arsenal of Democracy, beloved nephew of the great and poweful Honorable Speaker Pelosi, and the next President of the United States, and some traitor insurrectionist liar from Florida. Lets begin.

    Right Honorable Governor Newsome, thank you for making time in your busy schedule to put this traitor in his place. Please Sir, will you honor us with your statement of fact on everything that this COVID deier has done wrong?

    Newsome: (10 minutes of unchallenged lies follow from HairGel).

    Moderator: “Thank you for that brillant and measured, absolutely true response.

    Now we turn to the person who racistly stole the Governorship of Florida from the noble and compassionate Andrew Gillum, whom I refuse to even honor with the title, “Sir”. Traitor Descumball, what say you? Be brief, we have little patience for insurrectionists.”

    Governor DeSantos: (opens mouth).

    Moderator: That’s enough from YOU. All lies. As expected. I don’t know who thought a White Supremacist like YOU could rise above his hatreds and talk like an actual human being, but they were obviously wrong. Cut his microphone, we will not have our democracy threatened here by the likes of you. Security, escort this traitor out and call the police on him if he says anything or resists in any way.

    (turns to hairdo as the lights are shut off on Governor Desanto’s podium)

    Thank you for your patience and tolerance in the face of that very foul person, Lord Newsome. You have won the debate. The floor is yours, Sir, please regale us further with your uninterrupted wisdom for the next hour.”

    …yeah. It would be like that.

  24. DeSantis-Yale grad magna cum laude and baseball team captain, Harvard Law grad magna cum laude, Naval officer and member of the Judge Advocate General Corps assigned to Seal Team One, versus Governor Dippity Doo. Not a fair fight, but would be very entertaining.


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