Newsom Orders Statewide Ban On All Gas and Diesel Vehicles, By 2035 – IOTW Report

Newsom Orders Statewide Ban On All Gas and Diesel Vehicles, By 2035

Courthouse News

Rekindling the state’s fight against climate change after a spate of monumental wildfires have left Californians breathing ash and smoke for weeks, Governor Gavin Newsom on Wednesday outlawed the sale of new gas and diesel cars starting in 2035.

Newsom cast the crackdown on traditional cars and trucks as the “most impactful step” the state can take to stave off global warming. The Democratic governor pinned gasoline-powered cars as being responsible for the state’s notoriously smoggy air and said automakers will have to switch to zero-emissions models to remain in California’s lucrative market. More

30 Comments on Newsom Orders Statewide Ban On All Gas and Diesel Vehicles, By 2035

  1. They did a study on this about two years ago. I believe they estimated it would take 3 or 4 times the amount of electricity the entire United States produces to keep that many batteries charged. It ain’t happening.

  2. Governor Nuisance humorously ‘orders’ a mandate 15 years out and humorously believes that he will be taken seriously by all the elected officials that follow him! Kind of like the old dead, prune, supreme court nuisance who wanted to name her own successor!

  3. @Aaron Burr – uuuh, you had better up you plans there friend, I believe the NYT’s today published ‘scenarios’ today of post 2020 (if Trump wins) and one of the scenarios is the west coast secession.

    NOT advocating anything here, just throwin’ that out there…and that NYT’s theory is not new.

    NOT that the Slimes is right on ANYTHING these daze…

    I myself am trying to get further away from the east coast Megalopolis so ‘…ya feel me…?” as the black dude said in the vid in the other thread…


  4. ghost of brig gen j glover

    Who’s the dumb ass that wrote that article. Here’s what that would like like, L.A. and San Fransisco counties split. The rest of California stays with the union. I’m sure Oregon and Washington residents would tell you the same.

  5. @Brad – the the dumbass that wrote that article is…a shithead!

    Anyways, the new future border will be the Sierras. From NORTH to SOUTH, to the east and western Oregon and Cali and Washington would be part of the Mid-Inland States.

    I LOVE looking at maps and such.

    So do this, overlay a crime, Whuflu, population density, and on top of those put the 2016 Presidential Election COUNTY maps, the famous red/blue map. AND on top of that put a RIOT map on top of it all. Yes there is a Riot Map.

    That is our future. IF this POTUS does not get re-elected.

  6. That son-of-a-bitch Newsom is also banning what he calls “unhealthy” snacks from the check-out lines in supermarkets.

    This is tyranny. What is it with liberals that make the concept of freedom so difficult for them to understand?

  7. ghost of brig gen j glover

    That would put the State Of Jefferson movement in hyperdrive. There’s no way the rest of the counties would agree to that. Keep in mind each county Sheriff is the head law enforcement agent and can order any other Law Enforcement Agency out. Our Sheriff has done exactly that on twp occasions. Things would get spicy fast if that were tried.

  8. @Brad – we live in spicy times…already. No?

    Those sheriffs, who get elected OR appointed? When and IF the chips are down will have to make decisions that they have never made before.

    This is why I suggest basic ‘essentials’ prepping.

    Things WILL get spicy-er…I am seeing things in places that I would never have thought, like Omaha NEBRASKA where Jake Gardner had to defend his father and property.

    He WAS OVERCHARGED and decided to fucking kill himself.

  9. I picture a massive increase in car dealerships just outside the commiefornia border, with special “factory service centers” replacing the dead hulks of current dealerships throughout the state. There will be continuous bus “tours” to these new dealerships for people to car shop and buy. Heck – right now people can research their cars and select from dealer stock anywhere in the country via the internet. The only thing left to do is test drive and haggle for price, which can happen in about two hours.

  10. A childhood friend of mine who died a couple of years ago once said that, considering the way this country was headed, he was kinda glad he probably wasn’t going to be around to see how it wound up.

    I never appreciated that viewpoint until now.

  11. Highways construction and maintenance are funded by fuel taxes.
    So, the state with some of the most elaborate interstate highways will be getting virtually no federal funding to maintain these highways.
    Are they going to ban any interstate commerce with normal fueled engines from coming into the state? If allowed, fuel will still have to be available.

  12. I’ve seen the commies trying to split hairs and say he didn’t ban cars by 2035.

    No, of course not.

    He just mandated zero emissions.

    Those rolling blackouts? Don’t mind those as more electric cars replace gas ones and PG&E struggles to meet the infrastructure demands while simultaneously being blamed for not keeping up with the pace of executive orders.

    How big is the carbon footprint from annual wildfires that burn half the state down?

  13. WHERE will those electric car batteries be disposed of after 8 years?? NOT Yucca Mountain…unless Shitshisslacks is still the governor (the most limp-dick piece of shit I have ever heard of).


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