Newsom Vetoes Bill That Would Allow Illegals to Buy Homes with 0 Down/0% Interest – IOTW Report

 Newsom Vetoes Bill That Would Allow Illegals to Buy Homes with 0 Down/0% Interest


California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Friday vetoed a bill that would have allowed illegal aliens to buy homes with zero down payment and pay zero interest.

Democrat assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (Fresno) recently introduced Assembly Bill 1840 to extend a first-time homebuyer loan program to illegal aliens.

California Democrat state senators last Tuesday overwhelmingly voted to pass a bill that would give illegal aliens $150,000 interest-free home mortgage loans.

If Newsom signed the bill, illegal aliens would be eligible for a new program that offers a loan worth 20% of the purchase price of the residential property. There are no monthly payments and no interest accrues on the loan. Rather, the loan is paid back when the borrower refinances or sells the property. The borrower will have to pay back the original loan plus a 20% increase in the value of the property. more

12 Comments on  Newsom Vetoes Bill That Would Allow Illegals to Buy Homes with 0 Down/0% Interest

  1. This poor lil guy hasn’t been the same since Aunt Nancy decided to support Kami instead of him for Chief Dick Tator. Rumor has it he just lays around all day watching videos of Hollywood moguls do his wife.
    I’ve read this legislation passed with a majority that makes it veto proof. I guess we’ll see.

  2. “20% of the purchase price, no monthly payments and no interest accrues on the loan”
    “pay back the original loan plus a 20% increase in the value of the property.”

    So, a free place to live, forever.
    Where do I sign up.

  3. It’s deja vu all over again, didn’t we go thru a housing crisis when barry was president and blacks and other minorities were allowed to buy houses that they couldn’t afford, all in the name of fairness and equity of course. Don’t these left-wing dumbasses ever learn.

  4. Next will be payment assistance, foreclosure prevention, guaranteed equity and selling price, free home maintenance and insurance. No need to sign any documents, just move in tomorrow.

  5. But, but, but….Who owns the house in the first place after the deal is done? The borrower, the “state bank”…the tax payer, the illegal alien?

    Who’s the Lender and who’s the Owner if the “New Occupant” can’t pay back the loan?

  6. Newsome says ““Given the finite funding available for CalHFA programs, expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively,”

    OR in other words. We ain’t got enough money for this shit…and (more to the point) if I sign this…I’ll never get elected to anything again.

  7. The free shit for blacks democrats were angry over the naked catering to the free shit for illegal beaners democrats. And everyone who is a legal US citizen and working for a living and couldn’t afford a home was even angrier.

  8. Seems way out-of-character for Noisome, the “everything for every illegal” to veto the bill.

    Why would he worry about bankrupting the state? Did he ever before worry much about the state budget?

    Aha! I think I’ve got it! Him and his cohorts got kicked in the nuts big time when Musk announced he was pulling Tesla out of the state. That was the big kick that got him sweating about losing business tax money to Texas.


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