Nice Illusion – Impressive Middle Leg – IOTW Report

Nice Illusion – Impressive Middle Leg

10 Comments on Nice Illusion – Impressive Middle Leg

  1. Goldenfoxx
    JANUARY 2, 2023 AT 6:13 PM
    “Nice Illusion – Impressive Middle Leg

    Silly me for clicking on this! I thought it was going to be all about Michael Obama’s third leg.”


    In HIS case…its NO illusion.

  2. Illusion designers spend years developing and polishing these acts. Great job. I used practice magic for meetings at work, it’s never gotten out of my blood.

  3. Deplorable Second Class
    JANUARY 2, 2023 AT 7:49 PM
    “I used practice magic for meetings at work”

    We do that too.

    “Hey Romney, watch me pull a fake profit report out of my ass!”

    We also do Capitol Hill events to pull millions out of $200.000 salaries that the IRS doesn’t even try to figure out.


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