No One Wants To Swap Fluids With Me – IOTW Report

No One Wants To Swap Fluids With Me

Where reality catches up to delusion, you’ll find the lonely deviant. Vice magazine apparently noticed that the gender fluid aren’t the belles of the ball when it comes to the dating scene. They’re left cooling their heals as the rest of the world gets on with the normal biological function. Not even the LBGT community wants anything to do with these weirdos.


19 Comments on No One Wants To Swap Fluids With Me

  1. Not a good time to mention that inside I’m really an adopted African Albanian albino bilateral amputee lesbian dwarf and a gender to be determined later is it?

  2. I got ONE right on that crazy quiz. I especially like the question that referred to multiple genders!? How many *genders* do they think there are?

    These people are insane.

  3. I’m sure they could pick up some action at the Dumpster behind the Truck Stop – there’s always a few winos and methheads there … or so I’m told … really!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. There’s straight,gay & bi. These escaped,psychiatric patients are trying to sell something that no one wants because it doesn’t exist. The whole no gender thing is such a new mental illness that it isn’t even a fetish. When you’re into something so bizzare that it’s not a fetish,you need to take a second look at what you’re doing.

  5. Romans 1:27
    Also the men [the males] forsook the natural use of woman, and burned in their desires together, and men into men wrought filthhood, and received into themselves the meed that behooved of their error males into males working filthhood, and receiving in themselves the meed, or hire, that behooved of their error.

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