‘Nobody Says Anything’: Pastor Goes Off On Black-On-Black Crime At Aretha Franklin’s Funeral – IOTW Report

‘Nobody Says Anything’: Pastor Goes Off On Black-On-Black Crime At Aretha Franklin’s Funeral

DC: Pastor Jasper Williams launched a scathing criticism of black-on-black violence on Friday at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, where he delivered the eulogy.

“It amazes me how it is when the police kills one of us, we are ready to protest, march destroy innocent property. We’re ready to loot, steal, whatever we want. But when we kill 100 of us, nobody says anything. Nobody does anything,” Williams said.

“Black on black crime, we’re all doing time. We are locked up in our minds. There’s got to be a better way. We must stop this today. Think down, look down, walk down, talk down, act down — most times we are low down. Where is your soul?” the pastor continued.

“If you choose to ask me today, do black lives matter? Let me answer like this: no, black lives do not matter; black lives will not matter; black lives ought not matter; black lives should not matter; black lives must not matter until black people start respecting black lives and stop killing ourselves — black lives can never matter.”

Williams, whom Franklin reportedly personally chose to give her eulogy, also lamented that absent fathers force too many black women to raise their children by themselves.

The pastor described absent parents as a form of “abortion after birth” that is damaging to children who experience it.


16 Comments on ‘Nobody Says Anything’: Pastor Goes Off On Black-On-Black Crime At Aretha Franklin’s Funeral

  1. Amazingly courageous to speak truth to the hate mongers. Aretha chose this pastor to speak truth at what she must have felt would become a hypocritical, politicized, liberal mess.

    They came to honor her life, and chose to honor themselves. Hypocrites dancing on her grave. R-E-S-P-I-C-T; the bastards got everything all wrong, except for the pastor, and even he went off the trail.

  2. Aretha knew exactly what she was doing when she set this in motion. I bet she even had seating arrangements for all those invited, and those goons in the front where exactly where she wanted them to be. they were exposed, for what she knew they are and what the public in general knows they are. they’re just not smart enough to know they were just played from beyond the grave.

  3. I wasn’t expecting anything other than a ridiculous clown show from this funeral and that’s about what it was.
    Because she was a black woman of renown the usual jerks were elbowing their way in to sing her praises and over exaggerate every thing about her.
    Jesus himself couldn’t get a send off like that these days.

  4. I worked with a black guy who was an “ordained minister” on the side. I often heard him bragging to his other black coworkers how much poontang he got by “ministering” to the black sisters in his church during their times of need. They all looked up to him for that reason. He’s dead, now. I wonder if he gives sermons in hell.

  5. “You are what you do every day.”

    Death is just one milestone on the long journey of a life.
    It can be as inconsequential as any other day in that life.

  6. “..also lamented that absent fathers force too many black women to raise their children by themselves.”

    Then stop f*&^ing paying those black women to have a fatherless home.

    Try incentivizing a traditional two parent hetero home and see how that works?

    You’ve tried the opposite and it’s a disaster.


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