Nolte: CNN’s Already Minuscule Audience Nosedived Another 25 Percent in April – IOTW Report

Nolte: CNN’s Already Minuscule Audience Nosedived Another 25 Percent in April


CNN lost 26 percent of its already tiny audience and dropped to 15th place during primetime in April.

Fox News remained in first place.

Throughout last month, CNN’s average total audience during the all-important primetime hours was a humiliating 767,000. CNN was not even able to attract a million average viewers. Fox News more than tripled the fake news outlet with 2.4 million viewers. MSNBC more than doubled CNN with 1.66 million.

When compared to this same month last year, there is just no question CNN has collapsed further than anyone thought possible, at least when talking about a fake news outlet already in far last place and scraping a barrel bottom.

Compared to April of 2018, CNN lost an incredible 25 percent of its total day viewers, a whopping 26 percent of its primetime viewers. The Hate Network suffered an even more serious beating in the advertiser-coveted 25-54 age group.

A whopping 41 percent of that demo tuned out of CNN’s prime time schedule, while 37 percent tuned out throughout the day.

TV Newser adds, “Few, if any, cable networks experienced a similar year-over-year drop off. It’s also the most significant drop off of cable news’ big three.”

Obviously, the chickens have come home to roost.

On top of CNN’s hysterical biases and prejudices, on top of its unholy embrace of political violence against Trump supporters, the Russia Collusion Hoax was obviously the last straw with its few remaining viewers.

For more than five years, under the misguided and amoral leadership of Jeff Zucker, CNN has perpetrated one hoax after another after another against the public.  more here

16 Comments on Nolte: CNN’s Already Minuscule Audience Nosedived Another 25 Percent in April

  1. Nah, that’s the CEO, Jeff Zucker. LOSER!

    By the way, the numbers for CNN viewership would be like everyone in Wichita and Cleveland watching faithfully…AND NO ONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE UNITED STATES!!! The populations of those two cities are about 777,000 people. That’s it for their viewership. Less than those two cities. Pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe it.

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