Nolte: NBC News Tries to Excuse Alleged Child Predator with Sob Story – IOTW Report

Nolte: NBC News Tries to Excuse Alleged Child Predator with Sob Story


Identity politics have so warped the establishment media’s collective hive minds that, just because he was black and gay, NBC News is singing the praises of a 20-year-old man who allegedly sought out a 14-year-old boy for sex.

In a lengthy piece that has to be read to be believed, here is NBC’s glowing biography of an alleged child predator:

[Alain] Malcolm was tall and handsome. The oldest son of Jamaican immigrants, he wholly subscribed to the idea of the American dream. In high school, Malcolm was vice president of the Future Business Leaders of America club, assistant captain of the tennis and swim teams and a member of the student council and Model United Nations. He started a social marketing business at 15.

After graduating in 2016, Malcolm filled his Instagram and Facebook feeds with photos of New York high-rises, bathroom selfies in three-piece suits and links to news articles in which he was featured. He went to community college while working as a junior buyer for a local circuit-board manufacturer and was the subject of a Connecticut Public Television series that profiled recent high school graduates. Earlier this year, he was named one of Litchfield County’s 40 Leaders Under 40.

Malcolm was also gay, which was difficult growing up in a religious family in Torrington, a sleepy former mill town in the northwest part of the state, friends said.

“It’s not easy to be black, Jamaican, a Jehovah’s Witness and gay in Torrington, Connecticut,” said Allie Morrissey, a friend of Malcolm’s.

Starting in high school, Malcolm used apps like Tinder and Grindr to meet men from around the state, friends said. On that October night, he had come to Bristol to meet someone younger, purportedly a 14-year-old boy “going on 15,” according to a video posted by the digital vigilante group known as POPSquad.

And here is where things went horribly wrong for Malcolm:


19 Comments on Nolte: NBC News Tries to Excuse Alleged Child Predator with Sob Story

  1. NBC is saying the “to catch a predator” types are the bad guys!? A 20 year old is caught when he shows up to drill a 14 year old boy and then commits suicide because of the shame of it all. No child was harmed- check. A predator/pedophile is dead and will never hurt another child again… forever- check.

    How is this not a feel good story from top to bottom with a rousing call for “thank you sir, may we have another!”

  2. “Private citizens (including Dateline reporters) luring their fellow private citizens into a trap that will ruin their lives by plastering their face all over the world on digital “Wanted” posters, and doing so without a trial, without the ability to challenge the evidence in the court of public opinion, is wrong.”

    It might be wrong, but when frustrated adults and parents see the perps getting away with everything I can see how someone decides to take action outside the normal channels of law and order. I can endorse a lot of it.

  3. When Nolte decries public shaming by private citizens in general he fails to distinguish being those publicized for political incorrectness and those being publicized for committing crimes. He should be ashamed.

  4. Okay, so it’s laudable to destroy someone’s life because you don’t like their tweets (or they’re Christian, or they wore a MAGA hat, or they believe that there are only 2 genders, or a thousand other innocuous things) but it’s totes evil to do the same thing to a would-be child rapist? Hmmmm, good to know…

  5. ““It’s not easy to be black, Jamaican, a Jehovah’s Witness and gay in Torrington, Connecticut…”

    Not easy to be caucasian, Christian, heterosexual male and from European legal immigrant parents in the ‘politically correct’ dystopia that NBC has played an important role in creating.

  6. It’s just how the press rolls these days. Get a load of this one. You really have to suspend belief in objective reality to even get anywhere near where they want to take you.

    Woman shot dead by Calgary police on Christmas ‘was like a Disney princess,’

    From the comments: she was really a wonderful person … well except when she went totally berserk, recklessly driving like a drug-addled drunk and then trying to squash a police officer between two cars … other than that she was just like a Disney princess …

  7. …this is one of the reasons Dems cosy up to Islam.

    Pedophilia is inseparable from Islam because the “perfect man”, Mad Mo, did it.

    Democrats want pedophilia to be legal because many in the “leadership” indulge in it, likely because the are the sort to enjoy utterly overwhelming the small and helpless.

    Dems know they can’t advance it as just another “alternative lifestyle” – not YET, anyway – but not being the patient types, they want it NOW.

    And Islam, with its pretense of “religion”, is a perfect Constitutional Trojan horse.

    Once they get enough Muslims in power – and they’ve made a pretty good start – then they will start to rage about the First Amendment and “Freedom of Religion”. Dems will then point to other countries legal precedent as they are wont to do, like Germany’s recent high court ruling, and claim it as a RIGHT and a valid “cultural practice”, and that it’s rayyciss to say one culture isn’t as good as another. Enter Michael Moore, “we are ALL Muslims”, and it starts to become a play we’ve all seen before, with every OTHER perversion the Democrats have normalized…

    Unimaginable? Well, it would have been unimaginable to think that we can’t say men and women are two different and NOT interchangeable things 10 years ago, but here we are. It would have been unimaginable to think it would be OK to want the President’s 9 year old son to be raped publicly 5 years ago, yet here we are. Unimaginable to think that Sharia would rule the streets of Dearborn, Michigan, but here…we…are.

    These people are not sane. Do not expect them to act rationally. We could pity them in different circumstances, but as they move to take power over OUR children, a more…empathetic…response than a rigged ballot box becomes more and more necessary with each passing day…

  8. When government abdicated its role and no longer makes a good faith effort to protect the citizenry someone is going to step in and fill the void. Not saying what they are doing is right or wrong, but I will say that it is inevitable.

    Government has a duty to make a good faith effort by virtue of their claim to legitimate monopoly on the use of force. Without the former, the later lacks legitimacy.

  9. There’s a photo of Liz Warren D-Mass.) in her kitchen having a beer and chatting with the “Joe6packs” of America. Behind her, on a shelf, there’s a little negro boy doll eating a watermelon. I don’t know if he has a bobbing head. I’d like to see a blow up of it go viral. I think it’s called a pollywog? Or an ninnynagger? or something like that. They were popular in the fifties – just like lawn jockeys.

  10. ch… snkkk…. bWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    30 minute turnaround…. faster than some pizza delivery services.


  11. Hey Moe, can’t help but notice your call out of me. Too bad it had to be for having a conversation with Liz Warren. Oh well, as my Golden Retriever always said, “I’d rather be praised than punished, but I’d rather be punished than ignored.”

  12. @Moe Tom- “…Behind her, on a shelf…”

    I’d be careful with that one.
    I’ve seen extensive attempts to specifically identify which figurine it might be, but none have been conclusive. Almost exhaustive, but not conclusive. I mentioned “Brer Rabbit and the tar baby,’ by ‘Uncle Remus’ a while back in another thread, and I’ll suggest that this is what that figure might be. They would love criticism of something like that, which they could then refute, even on camera. They would then use that to squelch other criticisms of her, which are legitimate and provable. As someone else wrote earlier, there are enough other things about her to drag out, that this doesn’t need going in to.
    And I’ll further suggest that aoc’s ‘dancing’ video is being used in much the same manner.
    They calculate things like this, and how they are presented to the general public, and how they can manipulate those responses. They actually drive them, like a bus, so to speak, and they’ll throw anyone or anything they want under that bus, anytime they want.

  13. The little pervert took his own life, his choice. No reason to blame the people who exposed the would-be child rapist. For God’s sake, it sounds like NBC would prefer it if every black Jamaican immigrant were a pedophile, the way they waxed on about his many ‘accomplishments’ and how ‘handsome’ he was.


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