Norks Lose A Mini Sub – IOTW Report

Norks Lose A Mini Sub

Observers of North Korea have reported that the Communist nation has lost a 70-foot Yono class midget submarine.


 There aren’t any details on the sub’s mission, who was on board or where exactly the vessel went down.

 We know it wasn’t a nuke, it was more of spy / special forces submarine.


 Naval experts have recently been tracking their new Yoko class submarine.  Its sonar sounds like this

17 Comments on Norks Lose A Mini Sub

  1. Maybe the Norks installed a screen door on their mini sub so they could catch a cool breeze while out sailing and forgot to close (dog) the hatch covering the screen door when they submerged beneath the waves. Your ribald joke would begin with sea men, don’t you know.

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