Now We’re All Playing By Their Rules – IOTW Report

Now We’re All Playing By Their Rules

Kurt Schlicher’s column today is not some much about the Gianforte (R-MT) body slam, but the end of allowing the left to continually apply the double standard to their opposition.


15 Comments on Now We’re All Playing By Their Rules

  1. As conservatives, we tend to observe- Learn and then react as needed. However when we react watch out.
    The problem is Liberals are scheemers , and love being just that. So they’ve perfected it,and possibly because we despise it so much they continue it.

  2. For 7 long years during the Obama era, I endured my Uber libtard inlaws sneering, name calling ( idiot and asshole), condescension. I respected my wife and just took it. Then one day I snapped and gave it right back. Every. Single. Bit. Of. It.
    Then a year later, again. Now? Their are TERRIFIED of me. Absolutely church mice on eggshells.
    I walk around them like the Terminator.
    Shove it back. Shove it right the phuq back in their faces. It feels good and it works!!!

  3. I rarely encounter mouthy leftists in person, but when I do, I serve it up to them. I was at a party a number if tears ago, and some lefty beta started talking politics, so I engaged in the conversation. When he was clearly losing the argument, he called me an idiot. My response: Idiot, huh? I have you by 20 or 30 IQ points, and I can beat your ass, so keep talking, smart guy, and see where that gets you.
    He was stunned, and I thought he was going to start crying. He stomped off and told the partt host that I was trying to pick a fight with him. After explaining to the host what had transpired, he said, “you should have kicked his ass!” The lefty dweeb was obviously at the wrong party.

  4. Yep, we don’t care anymore and we don’t want to hear the sniveling when they get the worst of an altercation. Like Ms. Moldylocks antifa upset she took a hit to the face while she was there to throw bottles and cause mayhem.

  5. @Vietvet May 30, 2017 at 12:28 am

    > “Hate is good, because without it there is no joy in revenge.”

    That’s deplorable! What’s wrong with extirpating those that call you enemy, just because it’s the right thing to do?

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