Nunes sends letter to Schiff explaining he is now a material witness in his own probe – IOTW Report

Nunes sends letter to Schiff explaining he is now a material witness in his own probe


ht/ woody

13 Comments on Nunes sends letter to Schiff explaining he is now a material witness in his own probe

  1. Co on! Will never happen.This is 1 of many bogus , publicity stunts done by all concerned with the impeachment Farce. The only sincere acts on impeachment the last 2.5 years have been done by the Freedom Caucus. Nunes has distanced himself from them the last 2 years; and put more distance in Oct.

    Nunes is a good, conservative man. I support him. but this is bogus!

  2. @exjarhead ~ it’s a trap. if he denies the ‘invitation’ he’s wiped the whole issue of Trump’s people not showing up off the table. if he does show up & ‘take the 5th’ or some other procedural gimmick, he’ll be seen as hiding something.

    either way, it puts him in a bad worse light

  3. Quite frankly I’m sick of the whole damn lot. Congress in general is nothing but a shell game.
    Nunes/Jordan/Meadows/Gomert/Biggs/Gaetz have honorable intentions, but let’s face it….they all know how this will play out.

    Step right up ladies and gents….the show’s about to begin.

  4. This is the devious plan Pelosi cooked up to rid herself of these parasites
    When they go down in flames, she drags their sorry asses into her office and outlines their future workloads and it won’t be pretty


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