NY Times Pretends It’s ‘Provocative’ for TV Stations Returning to National-Anthem Video – IOTW Report

NY Times Pretends It’s ‘Provocative’ for TV Stations Returning to National-Anthem Video


David Krayden at Daily Caller noted The New York Times is once again describing the national anthem as a wildly divisive song. Media liberals also think “God Bless America” is controversial, when they weren’t quoting radicals saying that song was “a whitewash of everything wrong in America.”

Times culture reporter Julia Jacobs reported on Wednesday on the “divisive” trend of TV stations returning to broadcasting a national-anthem video in the wee hours of the night. 

Gray Television, which has 145 stations, mostly in small and midsize markets, made it a companywide practice several months ago. Two other companies followed: CBS, at its 27 corporate-owned stations, including those in New York and Los Angeles; and Nexstar Media Group, one of the largest owners of television stations in the country. Within five months, the national anthem has become a daily part of programming at more than 350 stations across the country.

Gray’s national-anthem video “includes a 9-year-old South Florida girl, Reina Özbay, belting the anthem into a hand-held microphone, a uniformed soldier giving a salute and a young boy with his arms wrapped around a serviceman, perhaps his father.” It’s a beauty:  read more

11 Comments on NY Times Pretends It’s ‘Provocative’ for TV Stations Returning to National-Anthem Video

  1. The NY times is America’s fascist rag: a lying, corrupt, treasonous pig wearing lipstick.

    Of course it hates all things honest and free, and its bosses will write any lie to oppose truth and freedom.

  2. Provocative because they know how inspiring patriotism ends up with people voting republican. And not for their socialist candidates that don’t even use red white and blue on their campaign signs.

  3. …ok, let’s go with “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, then, especially THIS verse…

    “In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me. As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, While God is marching on.”

    …celebrates the FIRST time we had to liberate slaves from Democrats with God’s help, let’s make THIS time we do it, the LAST time we NEED to…


    …use THIS one for maximun “provocativeness”…


  4. The polished and worldly people at the NYT’s are far too sophisticated to sully themselves with something as low bred as patriotism. These people are far too educated. {sarc}

  5. Living in Mississippi in the 60’s the local stations signed off with “Dixie” before the National Anthem. Usually followed by a beautiful poem titled “Flying” author unknown. Patriotism at it’s finest. Honoring all of our nations fallen.

    Check out the first words of Hank Jr.’s Song. The wife was amazed years ago when I proved to her those words were true.



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