OBAMA AND THE UN 2030 AGENDA: Ominous Plan for One World Government – IOTW Report

OBAMA AND THE UN 2030 AGENDA: Ominous Plan for One World Government


ht/ bitterclinger

12 Comments on OBAMA AND THE UN 2030 AGENDA: Ominous Plan for One World Government

  1. Oh hell no. I have no interest in sharing citizenship with backwards people in Africa or Muslim savages in the Middle East. And with the United Nations as the central agency?

    Paging Mustafa Mond!

  2. If you like the insane and despicable government of B. Hussein Obama then you will love adding another 150+ weird, crazy, nutty, despotic, tyrannical, idiotic, criminal, sadistic, and maniacal cruds to your oversite regime!

  3. It is unbelievable to me that all Americans don’t see this administration for the threat that it is! You don’t have to be a conspiracy nut to see what is happening.

  4. The United Nations couldn’t find its way out of a outhouse. A group of immoral people’s who find strength only in each others ideals. But still, this is scary chit. The false Pope part and parcel. How can American public is so naïve. My God, Obama has got to be stopped.

  5. That scumbag Drudge, 2 million viewers a day, is suppressing all the real news on behalf of Obama. He is protecting them and not linking to any significant stories. All national enquirer level bullshit. He used to be the source for real breaking news now he is one of them.

  6. The game is chess, not tiddlywinks. And the totalitarians are about 100 moves ahead of us. And our “leader” is on their side. As are the House, Senate, and SCROTUS. We’re being sold out, piecemeal, to the Globalists, so that they can live as Viziers under the overarching power of the Caliphate.

    Weapons confiscation is Step #1, as the others can’t be made against an armed populace.

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