Obama appoints Mumia Abu-Jamal’s attorney to Civil Rights Commission – IOTW Report

Obama appoints Mumia Abu-Jamal’s attorney to Civil Rights Commission

WT: In a move sure to fray his relations with law enforcement, President Obama on Thursday appointed Debo Adegbile, a former attorney for convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, to a six-year post on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Mr. Adegbile worked at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund when he represented Abu-Jamal in the appeal of his conviction and death sentence for the notorious 1981 shooting death of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. Abu-Jamal’s sentence was reduced to life in prison.

The case prompted the Senate to reject Mr. Adegbile’s nomination in 2014 when Mr. Obama appointed him to lead the Justice Department’s office on civil rights. Some Democrats joined Republicans in voting down the selection at that time.


16 Comments on Obama appoints Mumia Abu-Jamal’s attorney to Civil Rights Commission

  1. Does he wake up every day and think, how can I fuck with their heads today?

    I see he just can’t help himself and is putting another Hawaiian Festival on my dime. Christ, 1 hour of flight time for the pair of AF-1s going over there would set me up for years. Seriously, is there a bigger asshole walking this earth these days. Because if there is, I would sure like to see WTF he’s doing.

  2. Cut off all funding for the civil rights commission. Since they cannot pay their rent, they can work in the streets. Since they have no more wages, they can work for free. Since hit squads will soon find and kill Soros and sons, that money source will be seized and dried up. Since Barky may self-pardon himself for all his treason, Trump can Un-pardon Barky and charge him. Shrillary will be taken care of, either in prison, or wherever she hides. The syndicates have VERY LONG arms to reach that bitch.

  3. There’s a tangled web when it comes to getting Mumia out of prison. Technically, the President can’t set aside a State conviction, only the Governor of that State. You know ultra-Lib Wolf would spring Mumia at the request of Obama.

    His sentence would be commuted to time-served.

    The bottom line is fabulous… Philly cops would give Mumia a five-minute head start out of the doors of SCI-Mahanoy.

    Trust me, 62-year-old Wesley Cook is safer behind bars as an “incarcerated martyr” and where he gets free room, board, and Hep-C treatments.

  4. The #1 best thing Trump & the linguini spined GOPe Congress could do is defund every lefty org.from Fed funds. Sanctuary cities, government programs, military outposts around the world, and most importantly- ALL colleges. No more Pell grants, no more funds for “dem programs,” of any type. It will end a lot of garbage Marxism.

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