Obama heckled at WH by tranny immigration activist – IOTW Report

Obama heckled at WH by tranny immigration activist


A transgender activist heckled President Obama at a gay pride event at the White House Wednesday afternoon, drawing an annoyed reaction from the president.

obama heckled by tranny

Video here

As the president was speaking at the pride reception in the East Room, a transgender woman interrupted him, shouting, “President Obama, release all LGBTQ immigrants from detention and stop all deportations.”

Mr. Obama responded, “As a general rule I am fine with a few hecklers, but not when I am up in the house.”

The president told the heckler “it’s not respectful when you get invited …”

“You’re not going to get a good response from me by interrupting me like this,” the president said. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. No, no, no, no. No, no. No. Shame on you. You shouldn’t be doing this.”


11 Comments on Obama heckled at WH by tranny immigration activist

  1. They’ve pulled this kabuki theater lots of times. It’s a misdirection to give the illusion that Obama is somehow politically in the center, or tough on immigration or whatever. By now, it’s a pretty transparent stunt. Hecklers who breathlessly demand “Oooo! Mr. President, why can’t you just be more AWESOME!”. Puh-leeze!

  2. what the hell is a “transgender activist”? and how much does that job pay, what are the qualifications and what are the job responsibilities?

    I thought obama was a “transgender activist” before he was president or am I wrong? wasn’t he a gay community bath house organizer in chicago?

    I think the msm makes up most of these “titles” out of thin air that they hand out to the people they interview for their stories.

    I guess if the msm was truthful and called the perverts what they were, perverts, they would not get the interview and quotes they want, would they?

  3. This administration has soiled the dignity of the people’s White House, as well as all things American. Mr. President, respect is EARNED. You invited the carefully selected and vetted guests to put on another staged circus performance. You aren’t fooling any of us.

    I think America currently feels like what Charleton Heston found in PLANET OF THE APES. And more and more REAL people are saying: Get your damn stinking hands off my Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. But not enough or fast enough. Thank God for Givernor Pence and others for standing up!

    And that clown circus we call congress has sold their souls and those of their constituents, to enrich their pockets.

    And the planned chaos has just begun. Nothing to be afraid of, for Obama.

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