Obama Judge Lets Harvard Discriminate Against Asian Applicants – IOTW Report

Obama Judge Lets Harvard Discriminate Against Asian Applicants

Daily Caller

A federal judge in Boston ruled Tuesday that Harvard’s race-conscious admissions policy does not violate the law, following a challenge alleging the university discriminates against Asian applicants.

U.S. District Judge Allison Burroughs emphasized the university has a compelling interest in cultivating a diverse campus community, and that Harvard’s practices, though imperfect, are narrowly tailored to achieve its desired end.

The process would likely benefit from conducting implicit bias trainings for admissions officers, maintaining clear guidelines on the use of race in the admissions process, which were developed during this litigation, and monitoring and making admissions officers aware of any significant race-related statistical disparities in the rating process,” the decision reads. “That being said, the court will not dismantle a very fine admissions program that passes constitutional muster, solely because it could do better.” More

Wikepedia page on judge Allison Dale Burroughs Here

8 Comments on Obama Judge Lets Harvard Discriminate Against Asian Applicants

  1. 1) Create a list of Harvard graduates that you think are idiots or obnoxious.
    2) Create another list of Harvard grads that seem intelligent and pleasant.
    List 1 is, what, maybe five times longer than list 2?
    There’s your Harvard prestige for ya.

  2. Discriminating against a culture that honors its elderly and places the family unit and the success of the family name above hedonistic modern North American immediate gratification.

    Good Job Judge Fucktard!

    I include Canadians in this because our school boards are REDUCING homework so kids have more time for extracurricular activities like HOCKEY and Dance. Real reason is Teachers don’t want to mark on the weekends when they are hammering the red wine.

  3. My son worked at a tech startup with a Haavad senior in Boston after his freshman year at M.I.T. Even though he was a Comp Sci senior, the guy couldn’t wipe his ass without asking my son how. So much for the myth that a Haavad education is worth anything & their graduates are the best of the best. My son and his buds were better than this clown when they were freshmen in H.S. It’s anecdotal, I know, but my son told me of many other supposedly “brilliant” Harvadians he met during his 4 years in Cambridge who were decidedly not so.


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