Obama Leaving For Kenya in June – IOTW Report

Obama Leaving For Kenya in June


Former US President Barack Obama is resettling in Kenya for at least a year as Special Envoy for US Diplomacy (SED), a deployment which he said “makes me truly grateful as I pay tribute to the land of my father- and forefathers”.

Nominated by President Joe Biden, who was Obama’s Vice President between 2009 and 2016, the former president, codenamed “Renegade”, was confirmed by The US Senate, which is increasingly exploring the possibility of sending retired Presidents to countries of their ancestry.

Obama is expected to jet into the country on June 13 for what his team calls “a reconnaissance trip”, has indicated his desire to set up an office outside the capital Nairobi when he finally lands.

This, he says, will help him better understand devolution and promote coordination among counties before he can seek an enhanced diplomatic partnership between Kenya and the US.

With speculators saying property prices could triple within no time, mooted counties of his stay initially included Siaya, which is the home to Alego, in which sits Kogelo village, where his grandmother (and extended family) have lived for years.

Others were Kajiado, due to its proximity to Nairobi, Lamu and Mandera, where he was expected to see firsthand the intermittent threat of The Al Shabaab, thus better advising the US on best, and prompt, actions to take.


40 Comments on Obama Leaving For Kenya in June

  1. Are they going to keep him? Please, oh please make it so and with a permanent no return VISA to the US ever. Will he contact his half-brother living in a mud hut somewhere in Kenya and stay with him or not. Probably not. And hey barry, don’t let the door bang you in your lying ass on the way out of the country. Is this his way of getting away scot free from prosecution before all the shit hits the fan? And take the Moose with you.

  2. It is ALL starting to make sense now, in hinsdight.
    It ALL started back when the Ukrainian side of msNBC Morning Joe joined with the msNBC African-American Banking side of Americans, and add in Al Sharpton.

    PS: Circa’s 2006s

  3. They decided Kenya isn’t a big enough shit hole, so he’s going to see what he can do to make it worse.

    Right next door.
    Zambia’s Fred M’membe speaks against US Imperialism as Kamala Harris tours Africa
    ht tps://rumble.com/v2fvvqc-zambias-fred-mmembe-speaks-against-us-imperialism-as-kamala-harris-tours-af.html

  4. He’ll stay maybe a week after realizing there’s no Wagu Beef, nice golf courses, and swanky gay bath houses. He’ll be back in Hawaii, Shitcago, and D.C. in no time after forgetting to visit his shithut brother’s place.

  5. “… as I pay tribute to the land of my father …”

    Sooooooo … Frank Marshall Davis was a Kenyan?
    Whoda thunk it?
    Wikipedia claims he was born in Kansas.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @ Tim
    Exactly. And the fact that Communist (as well as other hideous things) Frank Marshall Davis is his father is what they are trying to hide on the birth certificate.

  7. “No way he wants to be stateside when the currency collapses.”

    That’s right. At least in Kenya Mike can run shit down and kill it so they have something to eat. LOL

  8. grobama goin to market holographic-worship-displays of himself, performing the acts for which he is best known: apology-tour blowjobs, twerking, operating ghetto-blasters & negrophones, dope-smoking, etc. probably make a lot of credit card sales.

  9. Those three lions, talking amongst themselves:

    The one standing up: Look guys, I know how appetizing fresh dark meat sounds…but lets be real…they both got AIDS and the Monkeypox…we should stay away from them and stay healthy….whadya say?

    Other Two: Good point Brother….let’s not go for the easy kill…we’re good with Water Buffalo – probably tastes much better than them two low-life’s anyway.

  10. chocolate jesus dying of Ebola would be the perfect Fairy Tale ending, now wouldn’t it ?!

    I want to see glam pics of Mooch on safari wearing her loud-colored K-Mart couture.
    Maybe standing over a puny ass native like her ‘man’.


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