Obama on Comedy Central doing his best routines – IOTW Report

Obama on Comedy Central doing his best routines




America is still struggling to overcome its “legacies of slavery, Jim Crow, colonialism, and racism,” President Obama told Comedy Central Monday night.

Appearing on “The Daily Show,” Obama was asked about how he speaks to crowds about race.

How does he “skirt that line between speaking your mind and sharing your true opinions on race whilst, at the same time, not being seen to alienate some of the people you are talking to,” host Trevor Noah asked.   more

Snip: sounds like he is still struggling to overcome his daddy issues.

16 Comments on Obama on Comedy Central doing his best routines

  1. Hey Barry America is not struggling to overcome racism,, slavery, colonialism, blah, blah, but you are struggling with your hatred of America. You caused more division these past eight years than George Wallace, Robert Byrd, and Bull Connor combined. That is your legacy. Live with it.

  2. A buddy of mine sent a link to me yesterday of Sammy Davis Jr. wearing a Six Gun back in the day doing an amazing quick draw and singing Streets of Laredo. Freaken amazing guy but I was struck with how we are more divided than even back then.

  3. Obama continues trying to create the Disunited States of America right to the end. Nothing new. 37 more long days till eviction day. When the country can begin the struggle to overcome the legacy of the Obama nightmare.

    And No. We don’t want Republicans to fix Obamacare, we want them to repeal it. Good grief – Obama’s only idea is adding more subsidies. Again, nothing new, just more spending.

  4. Dobbs showed the clip on his show tonight. It was hysterical. I mean, really, hysterical. The guy doesn’t even believe it himself. He had no ooomph even saying it. It’s a routine. He might as well been in black face.

  5. Over half a century and trillions of dollars of civil rights, quotas, affirmative action, aid of all sorts culminating in a Black President and you start to think “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

    Gee Wally, sumbody figured that one out over 100 years ago!

    Yeah Beave, this guy in the White House is like the SERVPRO® of Civil Rights… it’s just like it never happened!

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