Obama “The greatness of America comes not from building walls” – IOTW Report

Obama “The greatness of America comes not from building walls”

spot the errors here

Washington AFP article:

Trump, a billionaire real estate developer who has never held elected office, has promised, if he wins the White House, to expel immigrants in the United States illegally and to build a wall on the US-Mexico border.

He has also proposed repealing the constitutional right to citizenship of anyone born on US soil.

Whole article here

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17 Comments on Obama “The greatness of America comes not from building walls”

  1. a comment lifted from that article

    Nikolai 2 days ago

    I was an immigrant who came here legally from Ukraine fifteen years ago, I became a U.S. citizen on February 14th, 2012.

    Before I was even allowed to step foot in this country I had to go through two biometrics, a health screen, an intensive background check, prove I would not be a burden to taxpayers by applying for any government welfare programs, and pay +$3000 in fees. Once I arrived here, I had to prove I could read, write, and speak English, pay my taxes, take an oath to defend this country, and not commit a single crime. If I failed to do any of these before I obtained my citizenship I would have easily lost my residency and been deported. Yet I did all of those things because I wanted to be an American. I know I’m from Ukraine but I don’t fly the Ukraine flag, I fly the American flag because to me I am an American and only an American. This is my country now and even though it’s not perfect, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.

    Yet people who came here illegally, have no skills, can’t speak English, are a huge burden upon the taxpayers, commit crimes, pay little to nothing in fees, haven’t taken an oath to defend this country, who haven’t had a health screen or biometrics done to prove they aren’t wanted criminals in their own countries, who don’t fly the American flag but the flag of the country they fled are allowed to stay here and get to enjoy the same status that I worked hard for over a decade. If I got as much as a DUI I would have been deported in a second…that illegal mexican who killed that poor women in San Francisco gets deported five times and still is able to be released and walk freely in the U.S.? Now that I can vote I have never voted for a Dem and never will. Trump 2016! He stand for CITIZENS like ME.

  2. …there is no Constitutional ‘right’ to citizenship if you are born here from illegal aliens, ….or aliens in general
    Trump is right ….this moron is wrong

  3. I don’t want a wall, I want a 1000 mile-long Trump casino along the US/Mexican border, with its doors wide open to Mexico, to suck in as much Mexican drug cash to help fund our nation.

  4. WE NEED A MOVEMENT PEOPLE!!!!!……CALL IT…..I don’t know….call it…..’ENOUGH….STOP IT….NOW!!!!’

    We are sick & tired of supporting those that do not want to support themselves….we can barely support ourselves & our families……we are tired of doing it for those that are born here, those that snuck in here, those that the government brought here….enough is enough!

    Damn it people!!!!…..Enough is Enough!!!

    Shut up, all you metrosexuals, homosexuals, wymym, feminists, label grievance-monger whiners…..Shut The Fuck Up!…..We are done with you……go to England…go to France….go to Sweden…go to Australia ….go to Canada…..go to Kalifornia……just GO!!! ..we’ll even pay your way!

    We are done with you……you don’t want to be ‘American’?….get out!…..Enough!

    it’s time we fight back….enough!….it’s time to take our birthright back…..enough!….it’s time for real men to ‘man up’….it’s time for real women to be real women….enough!

    …that’s it ……we just need just one word to covey the message…..

    we’re done…….”ENOUGH!”

    (man, I’m in a pisser of a mood tonite)

  5. He’s right, you know. The greatness of America doesn’t come from building walls.

    It comes from a culture that values excellence, personal freedom, and a steadfast commitment to the preservation of both.

    When our borders are continuously bombarded by those who seek to supplant that culture with their own, building walls becomes necessary.

    The greatness of America doesn’t come from building walls. It is, however, preserved and protected by them.

  6. First wrong with this speech, and biggest of all, is that it was spoken by Boathouse Barry. Second, that it was reported by the DeM-S-M without critical fisking. Everything after that, the actual diatribe (can’t bring myself to call it a speech), is just a repetitious detail.

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