Oberlin College ignored the First Law of Holes responding to the jury verdict against it – IOTW Report

Oberlin College ignored the First Law of Holes responding to the jury verdict against it

American Thinker: 

See also: Catering to the PC mob is going to cost Oberlin College big bucks
and Oh-oh! Oberlin College’s insurance company says their policy doesn’t cover the huge verdict against it
Lack of respect for juries can be very, very costly. The landmark jury verdict awarding $11 million (with the possibility of triple damages to come) to members of the Gibson Family, owners of a 5-generation bakery boycotted and slandered by students with the encouragement of a College official, is looking to be as much about social class as it is about the excesses social justice warriors (SJWs). I write this, not to castigate the local folk who made up the jury and sympathized with the “townies” attacked by the “gowns” of Oberlin, but rather in recognition of what William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection, who owns this story, pointed out about Oberlin’s response to the verdict. It appears that Oberlin, a relatively wealthy and elite college, is so arrogant – full of hubris as Clarice Feldman pointed out yesterday – that it forgot (or never knew?) The First Law of Holes: “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”

Jacobson writes in part (read the whole thing):

…there is nothing more baffling than a statement sent to alumni after the verdict by Donica Thomas Varner, Oberlin College’s Vice President and General Counsel.

The statement was contained in a mass email sent to alumni (and possibly others) criticizing the jury verdict and repeating the same stale defenses that failed at trial (emphasis added):

Dear Members of the Oberlin Community:

I am writing to update you on the lawsuit that Gibson Bros., Inc. filed against Oberlin College and Vice President and Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo in the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas in November 2017.

Following a trial that spanned almost a full month, the jury found for the plaintiffs earlier today.

We are disappointed with the verdict and regret that the jury did not agree with the clear evidence our team presented.

Neither Oberlin College nor Dean Meredith Raimondo defamed a local business or its owners, and they never endorsed statements made by others. Rather, the College and Dr. Raimondo worked to ensure that students’ freedom of speech was protected and that the student demonstrations were safe and lawful, and they attempted to help the plaintiffs repair any harm caused by the student protests.

As we have stated, colleges cannot be held liable for the independent actions of their students. Institutions of higher education are obligated to protect freedom of speech on their campuses and respect their students’ decision to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights. Oberlin College acted in accordance with these obligations.

While we are disappointed with the outcome, Oberlin College wishes to thank the members of the jury for their attention and dedication during this lengthy trial. They contributed a great deal of time and effort to this case, and we appreciate their commitment.

Our team will review the jury’s verdict and determine how to move forward.

Donica Thomas Varner
Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary

Procedurally, the email is baffling because the trial is not over.

more here


h/t Forcibly Deranged

15 Comments on Oberlin College ignored the First Law of Holes responding to the jury verdict against it

  1. I’m glad somebody posted on this story. I read it this morning and had a good laugh at how obtuse and out of touch your typical liberal arts college is.

    The arrogance of the left here is in full flourish. Essentially calling the jury rubes for not being intellectually astute enough to recognize their arguments, pure gold.

    If I was on the jury, here is the message I just got from Oberlin ,”They just don’t get it. $11 million is not enough for their come to Jesus moment, nope, a clearer message needs to be sent, So lets talk about a figure for punitive damages”.

  2. This three-named double protected class idiot has gotta be a graduate of the Øbamboozler’s class of Shovel Ready Social Justice Warriors.
    In other woids: Keep diggin sweetheart!!

  3. Do I see Gibson University in the near future?

    I wonder if Ms. Diversity Hire, having come from Michigan, was not aware of how Ohio law works. Perhaps she mistook the choir using their voices for the fat lady singing.

  4. I hope Oberlin gets a verdict of triple damages against it. Oberlins upper management knew exactly what it was doing, inciting Mob Rule against a small defenseless bakery. This is right out of that twisted sick Rousseaus dreams except it was a nightmare for the bakery.

    C’mon $33MM!!!

  5. And that is all tax free money! I don’t believe the college has any way they can write it off either. Being a nonprofit and all. But the plaintiffs don’t owe taxes on it.

  6. If Obama’d had three sons, they’d all have run away from home at their very first opportunity, and not looked back. (It may be a different story with indentured Rent-a-Kids).

  7. “…not to castigate the local folk who made up the jury and sympathized with the “townies” attacked by the “gowns” of Oberlin…”

    There is no “w” in “goons.” 🤨

  8. “… determine how to move forward.”
    Cliché, much?

    I’ll give you a hint – if you move in the direction you’re facing – you’ll “move forward.” Doesn’t require a lot of thought or “determination.” Somebody wrote earlier that Oberlin had a ~$175 Million trust or reserve – just pay for your criminal conspiracy (which the local District Attorney should be pursuing/prosecuting) and “move on.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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