Of all the possible grand juries that could have been convened- Mueller issues one on Donald Trump Jr. – IOTW Report

Of all the possible grand juries that could have been convened- Mueller issues one on Donald Trump Jr.

Not linking. Not commenting. All I can say is that this is absolute horse$hit.

Where are the grand juries on ANY of the dems?


35 Comments on Of all the possible grand juries that could have been convened- Mueller issues one on Donald Trump Jr.

  1. Well, I give up. I’ve been ignoring most of the news on Mueller. I called Ryan’s office and unloaded to his answering machine again today about Mueller.

    But if he’s just going off on Don Jr., then that’s pretty good news because he’s not going to find anything and neither will the GJ. End of story. Hope that’s where the fraud, waste and abuse of tax money ends.

    Moe-Rons. Creeps. Liars.

  2. BB — How quickly they forget what we can do to them. Just like the D’s, they seem to think they are hiding in plain site. Not any more. It’s bad enough they’re all dishonest people, it turns out they’re also idiots. And I’m not sure which I detest more.

  3. Grand Jury proceedings are secret, supposedly, but the wall of secrecy lets protectors g4t away with murder.
    The jury hears only one side of a case, and normal rules of relevance, hearsay and admissibility of evidence is throw out the window. No exculpatory evidence is provided.
    The prosector has total control. There is no other voice heard about what the facts mean.
    While an indictment and a guilty verdict are different animals, if this GJ issues any indictment, things could get very,very nasty.

  4. Something is telling me that this is going to end like an M. Night Shamalan movie.

    The twist will be something like the Grand Jury finds that Donald Trump was working to help Hillary get elected by eliminating the Republican runners until he saw his own popularity outshine hers and all the Republicans combined.

    Remember you heard it from me, first.

    Am I a nut? Maybe.

  5. If you’ve ever had a dog you know how to tease them with a piece of meat. Pull off a little chunk. Make them sit. Make them lie down. Eventually you give it to them.
    Then you break off another chunk and the process begins anew.

    The news is not nourishment. It’s designed to captivate and get us drooling.

    It’s not working.

    I’m bored with it quite frankly.

  6. Coup.

    The monoparty knows most are now stupid, cowed or both. The segment of Americans — true citizens — who might conceivably resort to force are too scattered to do so with any appreciable effect and, of those, most would likely only do so if trouble comes to their front door. Short of that, the state knows it can continue to defecate on us (as represented by Trump) and nothing will or can be done about it. Vote R’s out? D’s rule. New R’s in the primaries? Roll the dice they don’t get turned once in office.

    Sorry, the more I see Trump (us) getting shivved, the more I’m in a real lose/lose frame of mind.

  7. Death Wish re-boot comes out in November starring Bruce Willis.

    Hope it contains dems and republicans getting their due…

    Yes, I started drinking early but I am still very fired up!

    My Spider-sense tells me the shit-storm is coming…
    Coming like a down-bound freight train.

  8. Breitbart was right, this is war. But as with Islam, they’re at war with us. They’re like the Matrix: Trump is an anomaly that the all-encompassing system must rectify and, once done, will never allow to be repeated.

  9. As I understand this process, and I’m just gathering this from bits a pieces I’m reading about the establishment of a Grand Jury today, Muellers challenge was coming up with something damning enough to meet the criteria to establish a Grand Jury. After it’s been formed, Katy bar the door, they’ll go any where. There’s also a report out that Mueller is now pursuing any Trump illegal business transaction. Nothing to do with Russia. I hope Trumps as smart as we think he is.

    If I’m wrong on the Grand Jury thing please edumicate us/me.

  10. Loco, Two things.

    The Trailers are out for for Death Wish. It looks bad ass. All the usuals are screaming at the top of their lungs, “Alt Right”.

    The Grand Jury thing, they keep screwing around and 5% of the population is going to start shooting shit up. Do the math. It’s going to happen.

  11. The Grand Jury is going to turn out just as doucheous as Mueller’s winged monkey legal team. Two years of this bullshit. Damn.

    Please, AG Sessions, announce you’re going after Hillary tomorrow.

  12. Loco. They may be out for blood but I still say they have nothing. I agree with Third Twin. Unleash an investigation against the Clintons right now. There actual paydirt there.

  13. Bad_Brad, Sweaty Thumb says they’re after Manafort, Page and/or Flynn. Not PDT, kids or Kushner. It took them two years to settle on Scooter Libby, so I imagine this Grand Jury will be the methadone for their withdrawal from Russia. I think events forced them to announce the GJ today, what with PDT’s rally and big announcement today, and Sessions report tomorrow. But also, I think the deep state senses it is losing control of the Russia narrative and the leak war simultaneously, so they have to lock in the Grand Jury to be their anchor as the winds turn against them.

  14. I can see it. After Mueller. “Which office do I go to, to get my good name back” Five years gown the line. To me, this is all so phucking excruciating. Pray for America and President Trump.

  15. Thirdtwin

    The Deep State hates Trump like no other. I think you’re right, this is a desperate act. However I remember several talking heads saying there’s no way they let DJT remain President one way or another.

  16. They have to try to destroy Don Jr. now, because he will be a bigger threat to the dems down the road when he is ready to run for president. His politics are more conservative than Dad’s.

  17. Going after his kid to weaken and destroy Trump. Imagine if it were your kid your own government were oppressing as you serve it twenty hours a day.

    We are with you Mr. Trump. All the way. Burn them down.

  18. So, if they get rid of DJT that leaves Pence.

    Is that the next round, smear Pence so he cannot continue President Trump’s agenda? Pence I guess is just guilty by association.

    Good god.

  19. You know how during the election PRESIDENT Trump’s mere presence brought out the liberal bias for all to nakedly see? I get the sense that he’s doing the same thing with the swamp. They’re rearing their true colors regarding him as well. It’s like a big set-up. GO PRESIDENT TRUMP!

  20. The left started purging there ranks about the time of Zell Miller.
    We should have done the same.
    Get rid of every fucking RINO.
    Your either with us or against us.

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