Ohio State Football Team Leads Revival on Campus Leading to at Least 60 Baptisms – IOTW Report

Ohio State Football Team Leads Revival on Campus Leading to at Least 60 Baptisms


Over the weekend,  a huge revival broke out at The Ohio State University. Hundreds of college students gathered to praise God, led by members of the school’s football team.

Organizers preached the gospel to between 800-1,000 people who gathered in fellowship. By the end of the event, the school’s student paper, The Lantern, reports that at least 60 students were baptized into the Christian faith. read more

6 Comments on Ohio State Football Team Leads Revival on Campus Leading to at Least 60 Baptisms

  1. While local, it’s still great news. Praise Jesus! Thanks be to God that everyone in the world is getting at least one chance to accept the gospel and to ask Him to forgive them of their sins.

    Matt 24:14
    14 This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

    Revival is going to break out in communist nations like NoKo. It’s already happening in Muslim countries. The end is near. The end is the end of the age. The end is the rapture when Jesus returns.

    Why will every person hear the gospel before the rapture? Everyone left after the rapture will be those who rejected the gospel. They will be destroyed for their refusal. No second chances.

  2. wonder how long it’s going to take before the NCAA starts to sanction these athletes?
    (OSU is one of the top teams in the country & in contention for the national championship)

    PS: never an OSU fan, since ‘the choker’ Woody Hayes was coach … now I’m rooting for ’em


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