On a Personality Level – Cruz’s Best Appearance To Date – IOTW Report

On a Personality Level – Cruz’s Best Appearance To Date

I live blogged this last night as it was happening. I said he seemed very relaxed and affable. Upon second viewing I agree with my original impression, maybe more so now.

His Trump joke about “which pedal to push” was a winner, but his joke about swords and the “round table” fell flat.

I had forgotten his weird “cereal” killer joke, but I liked it. It’s good to be a little warped.

All in all, a great appearance.

25 Comments on On a Personality Level – Cruz’s Best Appearance To Date

  1. It’s disappointing to me how I went from really liking Cruz and having high hopes for him to having such contempt for him. He is a typical, unprincipled, self ambitious, phony. I am glad he has been exposed.

    He has certainly exploited the skills he developed at the hands of the hucksters and carnival barkers on the store front church circuit. He makes me sick .

  2. Today at lunch I had an old Adam 12 episode on the TV and there was a drunk guy directing traffic. He sounded like Ted Cruz. Looked it up. It was Pat Buttram. Even looked a little like Ted.

  3. @ Mike Brown is a DEAD THUG

    Never disappointed, the regular venom and negativity from the Hillary/Bernie/socialist peanut gallery attacking Christians, morality and conservatives using dubious and vague statements.

  4. Agreed Cato.
    We can’t even have ONE positive post about Ted Cruz without the usual asswagons chiming in.

    I don’t want a safe space, just one friggin thread without nasty negative democrat tactics.

    You watch, this post will be 40 comments long soon, mostly crap.

  5. Kinda like Trump saying “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”

    Because of the wayward ‘loyalty factor’ of his supporters”.

    You called it Loco, they never disappoint.

  6. @Cato – Trump did not CLAIM he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”
    Trump said “People say…”
    And that’s where the derangement comes in – when Trump says something and you hear differently.
    Coalesce around Trump or you’re just going to get a Grand Old Party screwing!

  7. Electing trump doesn’t change the house or senate.
    We both know the president has limited powers…….the present royalty excluded, as he has ignored the separation of powers and the constitution……and congress never blinked.

    @Ted — here’s the video,
    Did the people say it, did the polls say it or was it trump?
    “You” hear what you want to hear. Or was it derangement?


    In reality, both trump and cruz made light of what others said.

  8. I never dreamed the trolls would find this blog so soon and really tire of them.

    The more I see of Ted Cruz, the more presidential he looks. Trump, not so much. Trump is beginning to look real puffy in the face and maybe needs some diuretics.

  9. @Plain Jane – and yet, you posted – just to give that little poke. And then there are those of you who are all up in arms over Cruz’s joke on backing up over Trump saying it’s soooo much worse than Trump’s joke about shooting someone – when both were obviously jokes. Hmmm, and people wonder why politicians have a hard time speaking plainly.

  10. Sorry Plain Jane – I do indeed have a sense of humor – though it’s hard these days to know who is joking and who is kidding. I am of the #Never Hillary group. The fighting between the Trump folk and the Cruz folk is maddening to me as it makes either candidate weaker in facing Clinton in the general election. My country is at stake, so I’m a little prickly right now.

  11. Thank you for understanding me Aunt Liz. I feel the same way you do about keeping the Clinton crime family out of the WH. I explained myself several times of how I was Cruzin’ in the beginning and then got on the Trump Train.

    I actually can (sincerely) relate to Trumps style and, in many ways, am (was, at least) a very self driven person who was raised that way since I was ten.

    I “get” him and believe he can out maneuver the elitists. He has to have those 1237 delegates and mathematically, he’s the only one who realistically has a chance to get those 1237.

    Actually, our country is in such dire straights now, that I try for near anything to make people laugh, including myself.

    God’s blessings.

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