One of MSNBC’s Resident Bigots Calls Herschel Walker Dumb & Obedient: ‘That’s What Republicans Want from Their Negroes’ – IOTW Report

One of MSNBC’s Resident Bigots Calls Herschel Walker Dumb & Obedient: ‘That’s What Republicans Want from Their Negroes’


One of MSNBC’s resident bigots has alleged that the only reason Republicans like Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker is because he does “what he’s told” and that’s what Republicans want “from their negroes.”

The bigot, Elie Mystal, said this on Saturday while explaining to MSNBC host Tiffany Cross, also a bigot, why Walker is performing so well in the polls.

“It’s going to be a close election in Georgia because Walker has the backing of the Republicans. Now you ask why are Republicans backing this man who’s so clearly unintelligent, who so clearly doesn’t have independent thoughts. But that’s actually the reason. Walker’s gonna do what he’s told, and that’s what Republicans like. That’s what Republicans want from their negroes — to do what they’re told,” he said.

Like other establishment press pundits, Mystal has a habit of using disparaging terms like “negroes” to attack black conservatives.

“And Walker presents exactly as a person who lacks independent thoughts, lacks an independent agenda, lacks an ability to grasp policies. And he’s just going to go in there and vote like Mitch McConnell tells him to vote. And remember, this has worked for the GOP in the south already,” Mystal continued. more

15 Comments on One of MSNBC’s Resident Bigots Calls Herschel Walker Dumb & Obedient: ‘That’s What Republicans Want from Their Negroes’

  1. Oh boy, democrats, have a look in the mirror before you accuse opposition of what you are so guilty of. Name one, just one, independent thought the leader of your party has had and clearly articulated with intelligence. Okay, try to tell me it’s not a fair comparison because Joe isn’t black, I dare you, racist f*cks.

  2. Democrats OWN the legacy of slavery, lynching, segregation, Jim Crow law and the KKK. Anyone who believe they reformed and that the party who freed the slaves (Republicans) somehow switched sides, is a damn fool.

    This is just how evil Democrats are.

  3. I don’t have anything to do with MSNBC and most mainstream media liars. As a Native Georgian one of the big reasons Herschel Walker has an advantage is because he led UGA to their first football championship.

    The “Reverend” Warnock just beat his wife and had the court records sealed. Then he ran her over with his car.

  4. Sorry, Elie, the position for dumbest person in Congress is firmly held by Hank Johnson, the moron who thought adding military personnel to the island of Guam might cause the island to tip over and capsize. Tommy Tuberville doesn’t hold a candle to that kind of democrat stupidity.

  5. That ugly, foreign African, Elie Mystal, needs to be repatriated back to his 3rd world African homeland where he can both live and breathe free of White superiority!

  6. Fact is that the KKK developers of the Democrat Party have enslaved countless black people to exploit and manipulate them. George Soros, who’s an known and longtime race-cleanser along with Zelensky, Joe Biden, and others, employ democrats and liberals to annihilate blacks and ethnic groups using the toxic covid vaxx and by other non-detectable means.

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