One of the World’s Most Popular Rock Bands Thumbs Nose At BDS – IOTW Report

One of the World’s Most Popular Rock Bands Thumbs Nose At BDS

Israel is not an apartheid state.

Give credit to the usually progressive Thom Yorke, and Radiohead, for understanding that and expressing it to the moronic lemmings within his fan base.


In February, dozens of high-profile artists urged Radiohead to cancel their Tel Aviv concert, but earlier this month, in an interview with Rolling Stone, Radiohead singer Thom Yorke responded with ire to their attempts.

“I’ll be totally honest with you: this has been extremely upsetting. There’s an awful lot of people who don’t agree with the BDS movement, including us. I don’t agree with the cultural ban at all, along with J.K. Rowling, Noam Chomsky and a long list of others,” Yorke said.

“It’s deeply distressing that they choose to, rather than engage with us personally, throw shit at us in public,” he continued. “It’s deeply disrespectful to assume that we’re either being misinformed or that we’re so retarded we can’t make these decisions ourselves. I thought it was patronizing in the extreme. It’s offensive and I just can’t understand why going to play a rock show or going to lecture at a university [is a problem to them].”


ht/ the big owe

30 Comments on One of the World’s Most Popular Rock Bands Thumbs Nose At BDS

  1. “It’s deeply disrespectful to assume that we’re either being misinformed or that we’re so retarded we can’t make these decisions ourselves. I thought it was patronizing in the extreme. ”

    Wow! He just now noticed that’s what progressives do?
    I wonder if he sees any irony?

  2. Of course Israel is a racist apartheid state. You’re cucks. They only allow jews to immigrate to Israel and even do DNA testing to make sure no goyim get in to suck up the US-Taxpayer supported Israeli welfare state.

    In other news, jewish Hollywood continues to make degenerate movies, TV shows and music destroying our civilization and encouraging every type of evil well as encouraging mass non-white immigration to the US.


  3. And Ken S displays the level of knowledge of the typical BDS proponent.
    Uhhhhh, non-Jews can live in Israel, moron. 20% of the population IS ARAB!!!!!!

    I feel as if this site was weighed down a bit because of the presence of this imbecile.

  4. 40% of Palestinians believe that violence committed by ISIS is somewhat justifiable.>>>
    Roger Waters is one of those retards Thom Yorke speaks of… so is Ken S.

  5. Here are a couple of definitions for apartheid:

    – A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
    – The condition of being separated from others; segregation.

    You want to talk apartheid? Look at Muslim countries. Take just one example, and read about the treatment of the Christian Chaldeans in Iraq i.e. flee the country or die.

    But nobody wants to address the horrific discrimination within the Islamic countries.

    So much hypocrisy, it’s hard to keep up anymore. The left has made right wrong, and wrong right.

  6. I was giving Ken the BOTD, thinking he was onto some great sarcasm.
    Will bow to those with much more experience dealing with nasty people.
    I know ignorance is painful, just wish it were debilitatingly so.

  7. Don’t know their music, but God Bless Em for standing up to the bullies.

    Just a side note: if Noam Chomsky’s involved – it’s some sort of Nazi/Totalitarian Bullshit – that’s not just what he does – it’s who he is.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Have to check them out.
    Lazlo was influenced early in the music world by Brian Eno. His is some of the music that shaped my musical life.
    I find out he’s a raging lefty, does it affect my appreciation of songs like Over Fire Island?
    Hell No.
    This requesting that an artist deny an audience his work because of politics is crap.
    On that note you better cancel Willie Nelson’s 4th of July BBQ because America is a Racist Country founded by Racing Racists that Race, and Barbecue is a Carib word, and they were Cannibals who ate People of Color.

  9. Fur – well stated about RH. One listen to “Amnesiac” will reveal strange music to the ears.

    Maybe Yorke could have quoted to BDS one of his own lyrics:

    “I’m a reasonable man, get off my case.”

  10. Roger Waters says Palestinians are living in an open air jail.
    Well, numbnuts, one of the doors out of that jail is in the other direction, but Hamas has the keys to that door, and Jew haters don’t want to talk about that.

    And let’s talk about how Palestinians lost “their” land.
    The Pan-Arabs, under Nasser said, “here, hold my beer, ” and promised that they would drive Israel into the sea in 24 hours. Israelis didn’t wait for Nasser’s first strike and they attacked and the Arabs got their asses soundly kicked.

    The embarrassment of that still stings their assholes to this day.

    Had Nasser destroyed Israel, what would Roger Waters have said? “Good”?

  11. What is Israel supposed to do?

    After being driven out of Europe (the ones not gassed to death) they were the “refugees” of the day.
    Arabs never liked the Jews in that arid land.

    Nasser, fueled by the vision of a Pan-Arab state, one without Jews near it, sought to wipe Israel off the map.
    It didn’t work out as planned. And as Israel chased the Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians, by putting bayonets in their fleeing asses, they found that Israel was now triple in size.

    Are they supposed to hand the land back to the people who wanted them as dead as the people in the gas chambers?

    I think the Israelis have been very accommodating to their enemies.
    Put down the pipe bombs, shut up, and bask in the spoils of what Israeli progress brings to your otherwise shitholish life under Arab rule.

    And Roger Waters, you’re an asshole who is giving horrible advice to people and deep down you just want Israel gone, and not for any wrongdoing on their part, but because you just have hate in your heart. You have no love for Palestinians, you have hate for Israelis.

  12. Radiohead is pretty good actually, I definitely prefer their progressive stuff though. Good on them for not giving into leftist peer pressure.

    As for Roger Waters… well, I can say this much, he’s a bigger douche than most. Not just politically either. I’ll still never forget all of the terribly shitty things that he’s done to his ex band mates or to his ex wives. The guy is screwed in the head, a mediocre musician at best, an excellent poet but incredibly close minded and self focused with his writings (and self I would imagine).

    Why else do you think that Pink Floyd constantly sang about (especially starting with ‘Animals’) daddy issues, no war, no capitalism, ‘MOMMY SAVE ME’… all Roger and it drove the rest of the band nuts.

    Whenever I see someone say that Roger was the mastermind behind Pink Floyd, I laugh at them and whisper, ‘wrong fool, you mean Syd Barret and Rick Wright.’ ;b

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