One third of vegetarians eat meat when they get drunk – IOTW Report

One third of vegetarians eat meat when they get drunk


FOX– After one too many cocktails, people have been know to let their personal morals slip.

But according to a new study, a sizeable number of vegetarians commit the ultimate dietary sin when they get drunk: they eat meat.

U.K.-based discount code website VoucherCodesPro conducted a poll with 1,789 Brits who claim to be vegetarians and found that 37 percent of all respondents admitted to eating meat after they’ve had too much to drink.  MORE 

h/t Rocco


15 Comments on One third of vegetarians eat meat when they get drunk

  1. Easy: the alcohol leaves them starving for amino acids ( proteins) rich in meat. The body knows what it wants, and the veggy can’t say no.
    Fearfully and wonderfully made.

  2. I guess no matter how they time it, vegans/vegetarians belong to PETA. They’re either People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals — OR — People Eating Tasty Animals.

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