Online Straw Poll – Trump’s First 100 Days – IOTW Report

Online Straw Poll – Trump’s First 100 Days

Grade him HERE

26 Comments on Online Straw Poll – Trump’s First 100 Days

  1. Without question Trump is trying his hardest to function as a CEO driving every issue that he campaigned on. Exec orders only get you so far. A recalcitrant congress and an embedded judiciary can thwart your every move

  2. Trump needs to rescind Obama’s DACA executive order. He could do that today.

    Today would be fine.

    Then all of the people protected by that order must actually be deported, even if it makes Ivanka cry.

  3. Solid A. I want to scream ‘just take out the pen and phone’ but he’s smarter than that. He beats anything since Reagan, and may even top that. Time will tell.

    Oh and rescind Bears Ears. Thank you very much.

  4. B+ …. imagine his success if paul ryan, mitch mcCONnell and the herd of RINOs supported President Trump’s agenda.

    Legislation needs to be passed and signed to “trump” past and future executive orders.

    Trump is the right man, at the right time for the right reasons.

  5. The USA was on the precipice and was about to be pushed headfirst into globalist totalitarian hell by the political class and elites. The Tea Party was doing everything it could to backpedal the USA away from the edge. Trump reached out and took our hand and pulled us back from going over the edge. For that alone he deserves an A+. We must continue to work with him so we can drag the USA far enough away that we never get that close again.

  6. I give him an A+ solely because he stepped up to do the job.
    And he beat back all retractors, all resistors, all objectors, every step of the way.

    His wealth could have allowed him to sidestep this mess like so many others have done.

  7. I’m OK with the Tea Party, but I don’t see Trump as a Tea Party person. Trump is a “Fixer”, the kind of person Corporations call in when their structure goes to hell. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone in particular, he got voted in to do the job. It was the challenge, not the legacy.

  8. A+, +, +, +, +, +

    Anyone else hear T-Rex presiding over the U.N. Security Council’s meeting? Whoa! That body hasn’t heard the likes of him since, I don’t know, forever.

    And Alex Acosta was sworn in as Labor Secy.

    Trump’s NRA speech was terrific!

  9. Trump is the Tea Party President because there wasn’t a single other person that could have created the grass roots support that he did, among us, that considered ourselves to be Tea Party. I am not a republican. If paul ryan and mitch mcconnell are republicans I am not one of those.

  10. Today Trump will was asked about Nationalism. Anybody see that? His reply, “Sometimes I’m a Nationalist, sometimes I’m a Globalist”. Brain cramps ensued. Donald Trumps a profit taker and he will take them were ever they are to be had. And now he’s doing it for us Blue Colar ass holes. God Bless DJT.

  11. Solid B. He still has a lot of work on his signature items and I could live without Ivanka and her liberal husband front and center, he should be tougher on China (terriffs should be on them not Canada), and he needs to stop some of the juvenile tweets that pop up occasionally.

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