Only Half the Story on The Whole Foods Beat Down – IOTW Report

Only Half the Story on The Whole Foods Beat Down

A Black man trying to buy groceries at a Whole Foods in Oakland was reported to be severely beaten by the security guard and left bleeding on the sidewalk outside the store almost two weeks ago. The incident was reported by one Dr. Zoe Marks on her Facebook page. She declared that “this young man was violently assaulted by an aggressive security officer.”

Whole Foods Store Beating

The press picked up story and ran with it causing the grocery chain to fire the security guard the next day.  Justice served, right?

Not so fast.  Turns out Dr. Marks didn’t report what led up to the man being forcibly removed from the store in the first place.


If a lie travels half way round the world before the truth puts its shoes on, how fast does a one-sided Facebook post move?

21 Comments on Only Half the Story on The Whole Foods Beat Down

  1. Gee. Hard to believe that a “black victimization studies” doc would lie about a drunken black man getting beaten by another black man in a “white” store while trying to commit fraud with his EBT card.

  2. I am boycotting Whole Foods for this. I am writing them a letter tomorrow. Since they are fostering an atmosphere of violence where savage drunken animals are allowed to assault and spit on numerous people with impunity. They are creating a false sense of security and a hazardous environment by intimidating and firing guards. Please boycott this rat hole.

  3. yeah but …… the black check out person, the black manager and the black security guard, who all work for a living probably identify as being white …..where the drunk, abusive, unemployed, thug, black guy identifies as black.
    Now the black security guard will identify as an abusive, unemployed, thug, black guy….all thanks to a white lady who doesn’t identify with truth.
    It’s so simple.

    Identify as OD Green.

  4. Like the raghead liar from Connecticut that accused the Trooper of racism not knowing she was being recorded by his dash cam. She was arrested and so should this whore.

  5. Whole Foods.. First place I think of to stretch that dollar. You can get everything in that store on an EBT budget. Maybe Whole Foods should raise their prices to discourage this behaviour.

    Seriously, WTF.

  6. Her reply would have been outrage and she would have been the first one to scream at the guard and witnesses for not jumping in and protecting her. Then afterwards, she would have of course criticized them for going too harsh.

    Think of the liberal scum on the Nappy Valley Wine Train being annoyed by the negresses. Or Lois Lerner trespassing and pounding on a strangers door when confronted by a camera and reporter while walking her dog. They love showing up at CEOs houses by the bus load but are outraged when you do it to them.

    Ask any cop in any town that has blacks and liberal shit if there is any shortage of 911 calls from the cop haters?? I assure you there is none. They call the cops all day and night long on each other. Unlike nice white neighborhoods where the people feel guilty calling the cops even for legitimate reasons.

    They hate the police except when they never d a bully.

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