Open Letter To Jonah Goldberg – Sundance, Conservative Treehouse – IOTW Report

Open Letter To Jonah Goldberg – Sundance, Conservative Treehouse

This is just an excerpt of a letter by Sundance in response to Jonah Goldberg’s dismissal of anyone supporting Donald Trump while simultaneously calling themselves conservative –

• Did the GOP secure the border with control of the White House and Congress? NO.
• Did the GOP balance the budget with control of the White House and Congress? NO.

• Who gave us the TSA? The GOP
• Who gave us the Patriot Act? The GOP
• Who expanded Medicare to include prescription drug coverage? The GOP
• Who created the precursor of “Common Core” in “Race To the Top”? The GOP

• Who played the race card in Mississippi to re-elect Thad Cochran? The GOP
• Who paid Democrats to vote in the Mississippi primary? The GOP
• Who refused to support Ken Cuccinnelli in Virginia? The GOP

• Who supported Charlie Crist? The GOP
• Who supported Arlen Spector? The GOP
• Who supported Bob Bennett? The GOP

• Who worked against Marco Rubio? The GOP
• Who worked against Rand Paul? The GOP
• Who worked against Ted Cruz? The GOP
• Who worked against Mike Lee? The GOP
• Who worked against Jim DeMint? The GOP
• Who worked against Ronald Reagan? The GOP

Read the rest here

35 Comments on Open Letter To Jonah Goldberg – Sundance, Conservative Treehouse

  1. Right now an America loving Donald Trump is better than what we have had running the elephant party. I’ll take a true believer in a Great America over an establishment, chamber of commerce, “conservative” any day.

  2. In a room full of cheese enchilada’s, Trump is the Beef Burrito Grande.

    You may not like burritos, but they sure beat the hell out of the cheese enchilada’s.

    Tastes even better when accompanied with great salsa (also known as his cabinet):

    Sarah Palin
    Trey Gowdy
    Marcus Luttrell
    Ivanka Trump
    Warren Buffet

  3. Support Ted Cruz for President:

    Ted Cruz is a proven conservative who will fight for the principles of freedom that make America great.

    He believes in limited government, a strong national defense, and traditional values.

    And, he is the ONLY candidate for President who has consistently stood up to the Washington establishment.

    Ted Cruz will make DC listen!

  4. That’s a great post!
    Yes, the absolute nerve of Jonah and the others who hang around in the FOXhole. Last thing I heard from them was, “Well, we don’t have enough Republicans in Congress to do anything and even if we did, 0bama would just veto. Waaaaah waaaah”
    Fuck all of those weaklings.

    I’m 55% liking Trump, but the more they hate on him, the more I’m looking. If I can’t get Cruz, I’m looking at Trump. See how that works? The GOP and their dingleberries can keep calling Conservatives (and the whomevers) names and you’ll see what happens to your candy ass candidates come 2016. That includes the ones in Congress, too.

  5. Magnum my friend, I have gone over to Trump from being a die hard(or so I thought) Cruz supporter. If you’re a reader of sundance at Conservative Treehouse. he lays it out why it’s gotta be Trump.

  6. I also like Ted Cruz. I do however, enjoy the way Trump is making the entire establishment squirm! However, Trump has not been vetted in the least. Let’s be entirely honest, are we policing ourselves? Do we want to throw all our support with someone with a (very) questionable record? I agree that he is better than anything the dems have but on what issues will he continue to cave? Also they have Hillary bleeding on the ropes and she is literally at the point where they could be doing a standing 8 count but Trump has not come out swinging against her. Why let her re-coupe? Why not knock her completely down and then drive a stake through her cold dark heart? He is been pretty soft on his dear friend Hill. What gives??

  7. Demonrats = Bolsheviks
    Republicrats = Mensheviks

    If Conservatives want to resurrect America, we must take back the Republicrat Party or start a new one.

    Karl Rove, Rancid Penis, Koch Bros, Boehner, Kasich, CHEB!, Graham, Krispie, Gilmore, Paul, Perry, Pataki, Rubio, and all the country club republicrats, are nothing more than fat, rich “Limousine Liberals” who are making bank on this soft socialistic tyranny.

  8. I *like* Cruz…very much, Magnum.
    Yes, he does “stand up”…but he does lose alot (most of the time), and a few of his votes have betrayed what he says. Nevermind…he’s a good guy!

    YET: I also like a candidate who will win and make some good changes.

    REMEMBER: The perfect is the enemy of the good.

    At the bottom of this rant, I post a list of dates for Primaries in alot of (but not all) States.

    I’m in Florida, so I have the luxury of watching how the delegates tally up before March 15.

    IF it is an absolute dead heat by the time to vote (I think that’s highly unlikely), I may go with Cruz.
    BUT IF, as I suspect, Trump is running away with it by then, I have no problem voting for him.

    He can very well win (i.e. broad Dem/Black/Hispanic support) and it will break the chokehold of the Dem/Repub UniParty. I would hope, in that event, that A) it would be the undoing of the GOP into Whig Party fate, and B) would be the beginning of a new Party.


    #1 – Iowa Caucus/Convention, Monday February 1st 2016: 30 Delegates / Closed Primary Caucus (Republican Only)

    #2 – New Hampshire Primary, Tuesday February 9th 2016: 23 Delegates (proportional assigned) / Modified Primary (Independents and Republicans)

    #3 – South Carolina Primary, Saturday February 20th 2016: 50 Delegates (Winner Take All) / Open Primary (Anyone Can Vote)

    #4 – Nevada Caucus/Convention, Tuesday February 23rd 2016: 30 Delegates / Closed Primary Caucus (Republican Only)

    #5 – SUPER TUESDAY: Tuesday March 1st – 601 Total Delegates
    • Texas: 155 Delegates (proportional assigned) / Open Primary
    • Alabama: 50 Delegates (proportional assigned) / Open Primary
    • Tennessee: 58 Delegates (Winner Take All *If 50% of vote achieved, if not Proportional) / Open Primary
    • Vermont: 16 Delegates (Winner Take All *If 50% of vote achieved, if not Proportional) / Open Primary
    • Arkansas: 40 Delegates (proportional assigned) / Open Primary
    • Georgia: 76 Delegates (Proportional assigned) / Modified Primary (Independents and Republicans)
    • Massachusetts: 42 Delegates (Proportional Assigned) / Modified Primary (Independents and Republicans
    • North Carolina: 72 Delegates (Proportional Assigned) / Modified Primary (Independents and Republicans)
    • Oklahoma: 43 Delegates (Winner Take All) / Closed Primary (Republicans Only)
    • Virginia: 49 Delegates (Proportional Assigned) / Open Primary

    #6 – Louisiana Primary, Saturday March 5th 2016 : 46 Delegates (Proportional Assigned) / Closed Primary (Republican Only)

    #7 – Mini Tuesday: Tuesday March 8th – 130 Delegates
    • Michigan Primary: 59 Delegates (Proportional) / Closed Primary (Republicans Only)
    • Idaho: 32 Delegates (Caucus/Convention) / Closed
    • Mississippi: 39 Delegates (WTA, if Less than 50% Proportional) / Open Primary

    #8 – Puerto Rico, Sunday March 13th 2016: 23 Delegates (WTA, if less than 50% Proportional) / Open Primary

    #9 – GAME DAY: Tuesday March 15th – 234 Total Delegates
    • Florida: 99 Delegates (Winner Take All) / Closed Primary
    • Ohio: 66 Delegates (WTA, or if less than 50% Proportional) / Modified Primary (Independents and Republicans)
    Illinois: 69 Delegates (Proportional w/ Beauty Contest) / Open Primary

  9. Czar if it comes down to it I would vote for Trump also. I’m just not understanding why conservatives aren’t holding Trump to the same standard as they do Cruz. When Cruz was Going to vote for the Trade Deal but didn’t because he found out McConnell lied to him conservatives started throwing Cruz under the bus. I just don’t understand why conservatives are looking at Ted Cruz through a microscope and Trump through rose colored glasses. This election is too important to throw away jut because conservatives are angry at politicians, we must elect a constitutional conservative and that is Ted Cruz not Donald Trump.

  10. Magnum
    I like Cruz, just to be clear. But for a lot of us it’s about the economy, shrinking Government and rebuilding our military. But the economy needs to come first. Trump can get that done. Cruz can’t.

  11. Yes but being all about it and have the experience and the knowledge to fix it are two different things. Debate Champ vs Trump. I’m pulling for Trump. My second choice is Cruz, but Trump will get shit down. I predict lots of embarrassed politicians under a Trump Presidency. He will name names and go after them. Hell the entertainment value alone has got to be worth something. Not to mention he’s gaining support in the ethnic communities. That’s huge.

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