Organizers of Ann Coulter Talk at UC Berkeley Fear Further Violence – IOTW Report

Organizers of Ann Coulter Talk at UC Berkeley Fear Further Violence


Organizers of an event at the University of California Berkeley with conservative firebrand Ann Coulter arefearful of more violence from left-wing anarchist groups, following the riots that took place before an event with former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos last month.

The event, which is scheduled to take place in April, was organized by the nonpartisan student political group BridgeCal and the university’s College Republican group. Plans include a talk on immigration followed by a question-and-answer session. It will also be sponsored by the Young America’s Foundation, who will pay the majority of Coulter’s $20,000 speaking fee.

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12 Comments on Organizers of Ann Coulter Talk at UC Berkeley Fear Further Violence

  1. There’s enough lead time on this to give those with a different persuasion, anti-Antifa, some local bikers and blue collars, for example, to show up and support her. I’d love to see some more black masks torn off those chicken shit progs.

  2. I agree. I think every conservative speaker should set dates to speak there. At least once a week. Within a few months, Berkeley should be a smoldering ruin of ashes and debris from the leftists who live there. Sounds like a plan!

  3. Right on, RightWinger.

    Hey, if the Berkeley PD won’t do their job to keep the peace, maybe the local chapter of the Hell’s Angels would enjoy cracking a few snowflake skulls.

  4. If the organizers are “fearful” they should choose other speakers. If they hope those limp dick masked miscreants show back up and have something for them this time around, I hope the bait works.

  5. I would never risk my life going to a liberal campus. Fuck them.
    I would fly over and drop 10,000 copies of my speech on plastic paper that would
    never bio degrade.

  6. The Bikers for Trump could help,or the Patriot Riders. The opposition might not show due to the opposition they would encounter. They only attack if they know they can get away!

  7. If the event goes on there will be constant disruptions, yelling and screaming from the audience. Ann will not be allowed to be heard.

    Remember, California guarantees jobs including “advocacy” to released felons. Perfect storm.

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