Orgasms Can Clear A Stuffy Nose as Well as a Nasal Spray – IOTW Report

Orgasms Can Clear A Stuffy Nose as Well as a Nasal Spray

Wayyy too many punch lines here.


  • An active sex life can help reduce the risk of heart disease and incontinence
  • Sexual activity least three times a month is linked to a milder Covid-19 infection 
  • Another study found an orgasm cleared a stuffy nose as well as a nasal spray 

Research shows that it can help reduce the risk of heart disease and incontinence. 

And last year, a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility showed that sexual activity at least three times a month was linked with a milder Covid-19 infection. 

The theory is that it primes the body to handle pathogens more effectively.

This followed a 2004 study in the journal Psychological Reports which found that intercourse once or twice a week increases levels of immunoglobulin A, part of the antibody response of the immune system that defends us against infection.

Another study suggested that orgasms can clear a stuffed-up nose as effectively as a nasal spray, reported the journal Ear, Nose & Throat last year — probably because exercise has also been shown to be a decongestant, as the resulting increase in body temperature loosens mucus while the increase in circulation encourages the flow of nasal discharge.

And research from University College London found that women engaging in sexual activity at least monthly had a later menopause than those who weren’t sexually active. 


24 Comments on Orgasms Can Clear A Stuffy Nose as Well as a Nasal Spray

  1. These kinds of stories are always written to make lonely people feel worse about themselves. Sex bragging assholes always love to twist the knife, and they don’t give a fuck about telling the truth.

    Chances are, physical health leads to an active sex life; not the other way around.

  2. “…women engaging in sexual activity at least monthly had a later menopause than those who weren’t sexually active…”

    So now “once a month” is considered “sexually active”??? Things sure have changed since I was a young man.

  3. Tony R
    AUGUST 23, 2022 AT 10:34 AM

    “Great. I’m going to die of a heart attack in a puddle of my own piss.”

    Aww, don’t feel bad.

    You probably would either way.

    Most old guys die when their heart shits up.

    And not only will you piss yourself, you’ll shit yourself too, and maybe vomit during the resuscitation effort.



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