Our Debt to GDP Ratio Is in the Danger Zone – IOTW Report

Our Debt to GDP Ratio Is in the Danger Zone


A high debt to GDP ratio is undesirable for a nation, as a higher ratio demonstrates an increased risk of default. In a study conducted by the World Bank, a ratio that surpasses 77% for a prolonged period of time may lead to an unfavorable effect on economic growth.

  1. Higher debt crowds out investment capital goods and thus lowers the output in comparison to what would otherwise have occurred.
  2. A considerable part of the budget goes towards the payment of interest.
  3. Allocation of poor ratings by the credit rating agencies.
  4. The decreased creditworthiness rating allocated by global rating agencies tend to raise the government’s borrowing cost.


So why am I bringing this up now? Have you checked the U.S. National Debt Clock lately? How does 124% strike you for a debt to GDP ratio? Here

24 Comments on Our Debt to GDP Ratio Is in the Danger Zone

  1. Explain, please, how supporting Freedom, Liberty, the Constitution, and America is a threat to America.

    You are a true sycophant of tyranny – of oppression – of imbecility – of depravity.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. FACE IT

    There is only one thing that can be
    done to save the country



    Just cancel it

    and ignore the creditors

    unless they complain

    and then gather and execute them

  3. “By whatever means necessary, boy!”

    Wow, as a black man I really want to hurt you now. In fact when I run into you during the up coming war, and yes we know who you are, I’m going to take my own sweet time with you, you racists asshole.

  4. ^^^^ and there you go. What Liberals really think of the black man. They’re still the same Democrat KKK assholes. They need to be wiped off the face of the earth so the rest of us can live in peace. By the way asshole, my wife is white.

  5. ^^^^^

    I’m ex SF. I’ll kill everyone on the street. Be sure and be there. Who do you think your fucking with. And oh by the way you racist piece of shit, there’s many more just like me. Meaning we took our oath to heart. Get your affairs in order. I still have friends that can locate you within three feet.

  6. Brad, What’s to forgive. You’re just being yourself. A great guy who many admire. Don’t blame you for not taking crap from trolls. I just ignore them after awhile. Trolls live in a viscous circle of stupid.

    BTW, I had no idea you were black. It’s wonderful- We’re a rare breed of Americans who love our country. The important thing is you’re a patriot and passionate about conservatism.
    Thank you for your service, as well. Enjoy your weekend friend.


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