Over $700,000 To Study Birth Control Preferences – IOTW Report

Over $700,000 To Study Birth Control Preferences

The National Institute of Health has continued funding of a study titled, “Sexual Acceptability’s Role in Women’s Contraceptive Preferences and Behavior.” The $347,146 granted in April follows an initial grant of $372,740 given out last year.

The research is aimed at helping women settle on a preferred form of birth control “so they can “fully realize the social, economic, and health benefits” of not having children.” The Project Leader’s current research focus is on “people who identify as lesbian, bisexual and queer (among many other things).” She claims 20 percent of the female population in the United States are lesbians or bisexual.” It is therefore easy to speculate that at least some of the women included in this study would have to identify as lesbian. More

6 Comments on Over $700,000 To Study Birth Control Preferences

  1. The director should have his ass canned before the days end. Squandering taxpayer dollars has reached criminal proportions over the years and should no longer be tolerated.

  2. It seems like the Free Beacon author mixed research studies that UW- Madison prof. Jenny Higgins, the project manager on the NIH study, is doing.

    Higgins other project is funded by the Society of Family Planning. This study is about family planning methods for lesbians. I’m providing the link to Higgins own bio page where you can read all about the need for lesbians to have birth control. You’ll find the discussion on the need for the study right after Higgins short bio, under the title “The Pleasure Deficit” (which appears to be something completely different.


    The lesbian birth control study is less of a scandal because the research appears to be privately funded, though I don’t know if the Society for Family Planning takes government money or not. Still read the justification for the study and decide if it’s really necessary to do the other study.

  3. Just read this:

    ” At the age of 19, I worked my first shift as a medical assistant at an abortion clinic in Maine. This experience inspired a graduate career in gender studies and public health, as well as a lifelong commitment to comprehensive and compassionate sexual health care, education, and justice.

    After receiving my PhD in women’s studies and MPH in global health from Emory University, I completed one postdoctoral fellowship in HIV/AIDS and sexuality at Columbia University’s HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, then another in contraceptive technology with James Trussell at Princeton University’s Office of Population Research. Before starting at the University of Wisconsin in 2012, I served as an assistant professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health for two years.

    I’ve worked and/or consulted for organizations such as the Guttmacher Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Empowerment of Women Research Program, Ipas, the National Council for Health Statistics, and Trojan Condoms/Church & Dwight, Inc.

    I grew up in beautiful Cape Elizabeth, Maine, and family members still live nearby in Portland and on Peaks Island. A lifelong swimmer, I’ve swum with teams for 30-plus years in over seven states. I enjoy life in Madison with my sweetie, Bobby, and our six year-old son, Atticus. ”

    First of all, the first sentence should make you crap your pants! I guess this broad is ready for der Waffen Schultz-Staffel. Second, notice how here CV is full of bunk degrees. The third point is interesting. She says she grew up in Port Elizabeth, Maine. Take a look at that town via Google maps and Zillow. Just look at how nice and pristine it is. Just another expensive progressive-burg to manufacture intellectuals who will treat us like garbage.


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