Over three-quarters of a million people in CA, across parts of 34 counties, will be WITHOUT POWER in just a few hours. FUN TIMES! – IOTW Report

Over three-quarters of a million people in CA, across parts of 34 counties, will be WITHOUT POWER in just a few hours. FUN TIMES!

A reader writes:

PG&E is projecting this planned cut-off could last up to 5 days in some areas. Homes, businesses, gas stations, everything. Looters probably preparing as we type.
I just went out and topped off my gas tank; may need a crash course in how to operate the propane BBQ.


38 Comments on Over three-quarters of a million people in CA, across parts of 34 counties, will be WITHOUT POWER in just a few hours. FUN TIMES!

  1. Liberals created laws that prevented private citizens and companies from being able to clear areas of “forest fuel”; trees, shrubs, bushes, etc.
    It’s for the environment ya know!
    Now, the reality of liberal laws is being seen.
    I don’t blame PG&E for this current crisis, they are just as much victims as well (unless they helped the liberals get into power and create these stupid laws, then they are victims of their own stupidity).

  2. Though I do not live in any of the affected counties, I have received notice from my utility company in SoCal that they have a similar policy.

    For other reasons I installed a small, relatively fast charging 400 watt off grid solar system recently. We have tons of sun. A family member laughed at me for the investment, but he will be asking me for power if this shut-off happens to us. Btw he votes dem.

  3. As I was educating myself on solar systems, I learned that grid tied solar systems cease to produce power when the grid go down. You need to have a more expensive hybrid system with batteries (or total off grid) to keep the power on. I wonder how many people who signed up for the grid tied systems know this.

  4. MMM, none do. 12 years ago when we still lived in SoCal (Playa Del Rey) we put in a solar system. We didn’t have room or money for deep cycle batteries, and believe it or not, we were not allowed to be off grid!!! Edison gave us a bunch of legal B.S. and flat out refused to remove the power drop. And this was in the time when the government was giving tax breaks and subsidies to go solar!

    That’s to say nothing of news articles claiming that anyone who prepped for a possible disaster was anti government/subversive/racist/evil/hitler, etc. and now the powers that be are all suggesting that people buy generators and have go bags and stockpiled supplies. (Huh, go figure), I also notice though, that no mention is made of gangs and other unsavory types who will be preying on the law-abiding types. And since in Commiefornia, all guns and the people who own them are evil EXCEPT the criminals and gangbangers, anyone who uses force(i.e. guns) to protect their loved ones and their possessions will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

    God, I’m glad we moved to a Constitutional Carry supporting state! In Arizona the Castle Doctrine is in effect, and it works.

  5. JMV, I went with a portable lithium battery. Really happy with it. Obviously it does not power my whole house but I found it to be the best option currently.


    May seem pricey but it is not too bad when compared to competitors. I wanted power in a shed and figured the cost was similar to the cost of hiring an electrician to run wire to the far end of my property. So from the get-go it has paid for itself so all the energy it (and the panels) produces is free.

  6. I live in an area where the power company still tries in a quaint but tellingly oppressive, white privileged way to keep the power on at all times, and restore it quickly when it goes down.

    Here again, KKKalifornicatia leads the Nation.

  7. Not sure why people in the Bay area are worried. This will be a carbon free week! Yeah!!!!! Now Greta should visit and praise the people shivering in the dark for their help in making her childhood wonderful again!

  8. The news makes it sound like it’s confined to northern CA but a friend of mine that lives in San Diego county told me that PG&E is already screwing them around down there as well.

  9. Here in Texas we sell juice to other states
    we got so much.My set up is weak.I have 2 monster
    jell cell 12 volt batteries.They will run my radio
    gear for 2 weeks with my transmitters running
    50% power.It is freaky to drive around at night
    with total blackout.You can get lost in areas that
    you are reasonably familiar with.Spent the night at a
    gas station in Mandeville,LA on I-12 6 hours after
    Katrina passed.36″ tall pines smashed in the roof
    of the gas station.Betcha’ never drank Jim Beam and
    saw the milky way over Nawlins’.

  10. “The crisis has raised fundamental questions about whether PG&E can deliver power safely to its customers amid a warming climate.”

    …yeah, blame Global Warming, that’s the ticket…

  11. emptied store shelves of batteries for flashlights and cell phones

    1) What store sells cell phone batteries?
    2) What cell phone still in use today uses replaceable batteries?
    3) Isn’t it possible to live a few days without a cell phone?

  12. I covered my old satellite 10 foot dish with solar panels. It now tracks the sun all day (more efficient) and charges a bank of 12v deep cycle batteries. Hooked up a 120v 4000 watt power inverter and can run lights in the house for 6 hrs or more. It dies when we get a few days of cloud cover, like today. Luckely I live in upstate NY, where so far we only get random storm induced outages.

  13. Why all the doom and gloom over this; I thought the progs would be ecstatic? Intermittent and/or reduced electrical power in order to save the planet, reduced transportation and movement to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles, and a shut off of those environment damaging consumer products – it’s all good. Greta Thunberg should show up and congratulate the people (or at least scold them less).

    Oh, the progs want this to happen to other people and not them? Oh well, Bay Area, it’s time to lead by example and you need to suck it up.

  14. We had 3 inches of snow overnight in Spokane last night, it was the first early October snowfall since 1981. And when I woke up at about 2 to go pee the power was out, but thankfully power was restored about an hr. or so ago. 4 years ago a week before Thanksgiving we were without power for 5 days due to a really nasty windstorm with gusts up to 70 mph that were downing 100 foot pine trees like matchsticks and knocked out power all over this area.

  15. @mickey moussaoui October 9, 2019 at 6:39 am

    > Democrats have successfully turned one the most beautiful states in the union into a shit hole. Imagine what they will do to the other 49.

    Imagining the ecstasy of “Americans” who’d rather 50 “united” states, smiling faces stood on by the Democratic boot, forever — instead of an American state, with nary a Democrat in sight — actually makes me smile.

  16. ecp OCTOBER 9, 2019 AT 8:17 AM
    emptied store shelves of batteries for flashlights and cell phones

    “1) What store sells cell phone batteries?
    2) What cell phone still in use today uses replaceable batteries?
    3) Isn’t it possible to live a few days without a cell phone?”

    …cell phones also do not work without nearby cell TOWERS, so unless they have backup generation for THEM for 5 or more days as well, then they may have to learn to live without…

  17. ecp OCTOBER 9, 2019 AT 8:17 AM
    “3) Isn’t it possible to live a few days without a cell phone?”

    …also, you’re talking about Democrats here. If they are forced to talk to each OTHER for a few days, there WILL be a killing, and if left alone, without an echo chamber or a way to feel smug and superior to everyone else, in the silence of their own minds, left alone with the necessity to form their own thoughts, well…let’s just say, we’ll need the “Bring Out Your Dead” cart guy to deal with the results of THAT…

  18. So far, here in Moss Beach, the power has stayed on. My only concern is for my wild boar that I hunted that is in my big freezer. We still have some left I don’t want to lose that!

  19. PG&E is projecting this planned cut-off could last up to 5 days in some areas.

    Looters probably preparing as we type.

    Sometime in the future it will be in a trivia game that Purge Night started out here and it was called Purge Week in retrospect when they saw how many bad guys were taken out.

    Zero recidivism for caught looters tends to curb crime for the long term. Thus only a Purge Night after a few years.

    Now you know. You’re welcome.


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