It was on the internet – it must be true
UPI- A social studies textbook in Saudi Arabia was recalled for including a photo depicting a Star Wars character next to a king. The black and white photo, by Saudi artist [Read More]
Merkel celebrates fourth-term victory
WT: BERLIN — German voters delivered Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats a fourth consecutive term and the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party a spot in the parliament in Sunday’s federal election, [Read More]
The Best Argument For The Obamacare Replacement Bill
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum had been making the rounds last week urging Americans to get behind the block-grant bill that would replace Obamacare. On Crowder’s show this week, he [Read More]
Tennessee Church Shooting Suspect Is A Sudanese Bodybuilder
This update is very uninteresting to the MSM. Had it been Emanuel Samson reporting that Dan Kennedy, from Whiteville Tennessee, was the shooter, it would be wall to wall 24/7 [Read More]
Popcorn Alert: Milo just snatched ‘The Hill’ bald-headed
It gets good around the 11:50 mark. *Language is salty*
When was there ever “Intellectual Liberalism”?
I like this writer’s rant, but he says “gone are the days of intellectual liberalism.” When the hell was that? When was leftism “intellectual”? Leftism was, and still is, modeled [Read More]
The Proper Care And Treatment of Antifa
There was suppose to be a rally by the Texas Confederate Militia yesterday, in Austin, Texas, but antifa showed up and intimidated them not to hold their event. Law enforcement [Read More]
Can Science Really Tell Us That Pop Music Is Getting Worse?
Is pop music getting worse, and can it be proven scientifically? Well, if science can tell us that man is going to cover the world with thawed ice because we [Read More]
YOUTUBE Suspends, Deletes Pamela Geller’s Account
Folks, there is a war going on, and we’re losing it. There might be a day, very soon, where the landscape on the internet is vastly changed. Your sensibilities, beliefs, [Read More]
Simple Quiz Answers
8- Confabulation is to fabricate imaginary experiences. I’m answering the last question first as a way to explain the reason for the quiz. Chances are many of you have gotten [Read More]
Church Shooting
This shooting, had it been a white guy shooting black people, would have wall to wall coverage. The perp shot himself when confronted by a churchgoer WITH A HANDGUN!!!!! The [Read More]
Sorry, I’m unmoved by people “booing players” that knelt for the National Anthem
THEY SHOULDN’T BE AT THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the same retard, a guy who can’t spell injustice, makes a great play they will cheer him. Is watching a football game more [Read More]
After an asinine “lesson”- small children afraid they will change into the opposite sex
More than 40 families pull children from school that forced transgender lesson on 5-year-olds. LifesiteNews- Forty-one families have pulled 73 children from the elite Sacramento-area Rocklin Academy charter schools as [Read More]