Baby, Please Don’t Go
Lightnin’ hopkins
Lightnin’ hopkins
All Too Much sent me a few photos of his gang of 3 and we made a composite for him to approve before going to the paintbrush. Here’s the [Read More]
Breitbart: Nearly 6K Runners Disqualified from Mexico City Marathon for Alleged Cheating. Mexico City Marathon officials disqualified nearly 6,000 runners after an investigation revealed widespread cheating. The investigation resulted in [Read More]
Berkeley is doing their best to cancel FREE SPEECH WEEK. Berkeley “Free Speech Week,” an event organized by student group the Berkeley Patriot and underwritten by MILO Inc., will [Read More]
We’re coming up on the 100th anniversary of the Spanish Flu epidemic that swept the world from 1918 to 1920 and killed upwards of 50 million people. Bill Gates thinks [Read More]
“I am not the one saying this, in Islamic Sharia there is no set age for marriage when it comes to females,” Maarouf said.
Kurt Schlichter: The Brooke Baldwin mammary mess is just another example of how liberals leverage their ability to create new rules out of thin air as a means of asserting their power [Read More]
“Look at how ridiculous the statement was of a candidate running for governor in Maine when he said there are too many white people there. If true, he just repudiated [Read More]
TH: In case you missed it, a federal court ruled last week that the city of East Lansing, Michigan must allow a farmer who was kicked out over his marriage beliefs [Read More]
“Hot single female seeks sexy lineman to electrify her life.” This is how a ‘hot single female’ got her electricity back after Irma
Over the weekend, 21-year-old Georgia Tech student, Scout Schultz, was shot and killed by police after repeatedly disobeying their instructions and approaching officers with a knife. Reports are that the [Read More]
The Senate has until September 30th to get rid of Obamacare through the budget resolution process. If they miss the deadline then they’ll have to contend with a Democrat [Read More]
The reason the left is soulless and shameless is out of self-preservation. People who aren’t sociopaths wouldn’t be able to look themselves in the mirror if they conducted themselves like [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.