Jeb Bush says DWS has ‘Terrible Judgment’
High Energy. Jeb Bush Rips Wasserman Schultz’s ‘Terrible Judgment’ In House IT Scandal
High Energy. Jeb Bush Rips Wasserman Schultz’s ‘Terrible Judgment’ In House IT Scandal
Breitbart: Judicial Watch lays out the specifics: “[T]here were more total registered voters than there were adults over the age of 18 living in each of the following eleven (11) [Read More]
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Hannity: The United States has added more than one million jobs since President Donald Trump took office back in January; smashing expectations and pushing consumer confidence and unemployment to [Read More]
The Lid: Built into the Obamacare bill is a provision requiring the IRS by the end of June to notify people who did not have the minimum required health insurance [Read More]
NTK: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) scheduled nine “pro-forma” sessions for the Senate during the month of August when the senators are back in their home states. The move will keep [Read More]
The Lid: Bloomberg reporter Anna Massoglia recently “fell down a rabbit hole” when she began looking at California Democrat Maxine Waters’ recent tax filings. Massoglia stared at the paperwork [Read More]
Hannity: Newly released documents obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice show members of the mainstream media knowingly colluded with Hillary’s campaign and the Department of Justice to bury news [Read More]
Oh my. Looks like CNN has leaks, too. Hannity: It looks like Jim Acosta’s colleagues at CNN have had enough of the correspondent’s antics during White House Press briefings. The [Read More]
Breitbart: A San Francisco mother has filed a lawsuit against Disney, claiming that their “Princess Palace Pets” app was used to illegally track her daughter. On Thursday, Amanda Rushing filed a [Read More]
CFP: Up until quite recently the official policy on the left was to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable. A CNN propagandist wrote, “If there’s anything [Read More]
It’s not unique anymore. Not when ever other person has ink permanently stitched under the skin that nobody wants too see, but have to look at anyway. Tattoos aren’t fashion and [Read More]
August 24th, 2016, is when we lost Admin Girl after a years long battle with complications due to scleroderma. I had something planned for the 24th this year, but I’m [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.