Spain: Police Knock Out ‘Allahu Akhbar’ Attacker With Thrown Plastic Barrier
Breitbart: A police officer received light injuries Tuesday after a man shouting “Allahu Akbar” — “God is Great” in Arabic — attacked with a knife, but his rampage was short lived [Read More]
Trudeau government to revise Canada’s citizenship test, no longer ban ‘barbaric cultural practices’ or require a job
AT: Justin Trudeau’s government is redefining what it means to be a Canadian, and in the process, he appears to be opening the door for the Islamization of our northern [Read More]
What the hell did I just read?
KFI: Police up in Richmond were serving an arrest warrant for a man when things got weird and gross really fast. The suspect gave police a false name, which happened [Read More]
Transgenders Will Not Be Allowed To Serve In Military
DC: President Donald Trump has made the executive decision to ban transgenders from serving in the military, reversing a major decision by the Obama administration. In a tweet series posted [Read More]
Can You Guess What This Guy Did?
Forget it. You’ll never guess.
Low Morals at NYT
Oops. I meant to write, “Low morale at NYT.” DC: The New York Times is set to undergo another round of buyouts in the coming weeks, demoralizing journalists and creating [Read More]
It’s time to end Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s farcical fishing expedition
Bombthrowers: So, now Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, is going to look intoDonald Trump’s past financial dealings (and his tax returns): Bloomberg reported Thursday that investigators are examining Russian [Read More]
Mizzou Has Officially Fired Both Employees Who Bullied Students During Mob Protests
DC: Officials at the University of Missouri’s flagship campus in Columbia have finally rid themselves of the administrator and the professor who physically and verbally attacked student journalists during the [Read More]
DWS’s Muslim IT Guy Arrested at Airport Was Writer for CNN
Via Pacific Pundit more ht/ nm
Lessons the Left-Wing Never Learn
Subsidize a behavior and you get more of it. If your evil plan is to get more of it, leading to dependent and loyal voters that will keep you in [Read More]
Funny Engagement Photos
The rest are here
‘Travel agents of death’
Mercatornet: Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano recently called attention to the effects resulting from the thousands of desperate migrants crossing the central Mediterranean in unseaworthy vessels from Libya and streaming [Read More]
You never ever hear, “I have a good plumber, his name is Joe Hitler.”
This is by an iOTWreport reader who wishes to remain anonymous. Have you ever noticed you never seem to run into anyone named Hitler anymore? I don’t mean someone that [Read More]