Hey De Blasio… Is Drunk Driving Still a Minor Offense?
update: read all about this POS here. He wasn’t drunk, he was drugged. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mayor De Blase’ io famously said he would even protect illegal alien drunk drivers from ICE [Read More]
update: read all about this POS here. He wasn’t drunk, he was drugged. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mayor De Blase’ io famously said he would even protect illegal alien drunk drivers from ICE [Read More]
We’ve lost another of the defining vocalist of the grunge era, Chris Cornell, at age 52. Cornell was the lead singer for Soundgarden and Audioslave. Police believe the death was a suicide. [Read More]
This is a great reason to own and carry. Take a look at the below links which show a Jewish “Settler” (basically someone who lives in the suburbs) get surrounded [Read More]
Ben Sasse perches casually, with his post-workout swamp ass glued to our national monument, yucking it up with Chuck Schumer and John McCain, probably discussing how to oust Trump. Tom [Read More]
Let’s hear it for one of the longest longtime iOTWers, one of the great ones, Conservative Cowgirl – Happy Birthday CC!
Daily Caller: A professor wants universities to “stop hiring white cis men,” according to her May blog post uncovered by Campus Reform Wednesday. “If you are a cis white man (meaning you [Read More]
DailyCaller: Hundreds of thousands of fake posts supporting a government takeover of the internet’s most essential infrastructure bombarded a Federal Communications Commission’s forum for public comments on net neutrality in the past [Read More]
WFB: The Trump administration announced on Wednesday that it is sanctioning several entities in connection with Iran’s ballistic missile program, which the U.S. intelligence community estimates could be used to [Read More]
Daily Signal: In South Carolina’s hotly-contested primary runoff for Mick Mulvaney’s old seat, it looks like the Republican candidates are headed for a recount. Two GOP candidates, Ralph Norman and [Read More]
Sick: Liberal Journalists Celebrate The Death Of Fox News Founder Roger Ailes DC- The death of Fox News founder Roger Ailes shocked fans of the network and the world of [Read More]
Wa Ex: The final tab for former President Obama’s eight years of family travel to ski resorts, beaches and European cities has finally come in and the bill is $99,714,527.82. [Read More]
The dolt is tearing up, in visible anguish, sighing and crying after hearing a guest – a comrade- say nigger on the show. (I never use the word, that’s my [Read More]
Tammy Bruce: When President Hopey-Changey did it, they called it “enhanced information sharing.” But when President Trump speaks to the Russians, Dems call it “impeachable offense” ? Got it. The [Read More]
BBC: The men were found guilty of violating strict Islamic laws in conservative Aceh and will receive 85 lashes each. The pair, aged 20 and 23, were found in bed [Read More]
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