IOTW Report – Page 6907

Holy Night

Thursday, 24 December 2015, 23:59 Jethro 11

I received a Christmas card today from someone I thought would never send a card like this. Sometimes people will surprise you. I decided to share what it said it [Read More]

Your Government at Work

Thursday, 24 December 2015, 22:00 Dr. Tar 3

Ever wonder what the government replaced the Food Pyramid with?  They’re now teaching kids about and it comes with catchy little tunes to get kids excited about eating right. More A more accurate [Read More]

A Superior Mayor

Thursday, 24 December 2015, 21:00 Dr. Tar 30

All heck has broken out this week in NW Wisconsin over a private comment made to a friend on social media by mayor Bruce Hagen (R-WI) of Superior regarding the President. Did he [Read More]

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