Meet the Woman Behind the 5 Girls Demanding To Be Boy Scouts
Danelle Jacobs is the SvenGALi that’s commanded 5 girls, all between10 and 13 years-old, to smash the patriarchy!! Breitbart reports that The girls say gay marriage, boys being allowed to [Read More]
Most Spot On Recap of the Clockmed Debacle – But the Ending… the Ending is Bizarre
A liberal goes on a rant about Clockmed, and it’s good. It’s very good. But the ending will leave you shaking your head. HT/ Petrus
“You identify as what? We’ll tell you what you are.” – The Left
@EWErickson on Twitter (yeah, yeah, THAT Erickson.) ht/
An older man approached an attractive younger woman at a shopping mall. ”Excuse me; I can’t seem to find my wife. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?”
Is This What Drudge Was Alluding To in Vague Tweet?
Drudge’s Tweet The story behind it? DC Whispers- Within minutes of shooting down (and filming) a Russian military jet the Turkish government was claiming it did so to protect its [Read More]
American Irony
Asylum Seekers Are Sewing Their Mouths Shut In Protest of Not Getting Their Demands Met
Sounds like they’d fit right in on American College Campuses. When asylum seekers sew up their mouths, Europe must start talking | Patrick Kingsley — The Guardian (@guardian) [Read More]
This site compiles all of the demands by students (on behalf of black people) on each college campus in America. Each college varies. Here are some of the demands I’ve [Read More]
College cites ‘safety concerns’ to cancel Robert Spencer speech
RAP: Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H. really did not want to hear Robert Spencer, author and director of Jihad Watch, speak. In a recent guest column for the College Fix, [Read More]
Police Officer Reassigned After Truthful Tweet
Confirmed – this is the questionable #BlackLivesMatter tweet from @PortlandPolice Officer John Hurlman — Mike Benner (@MikeBennerKGW) November 25, 2015 The guy has THREE followers, made 11 tweets in [Read More]
Will Smith – “Racism is Rare”
Will Smith says that too many people conflate prejudice with racism and that “actual racism is rare,” while “everyone is prejudiced.” He uses the same example that Jesse Jackson used to [Read More]
Hungary detains group heading to capital with explosives, finds bomb lab
This is war in the 21 century.
Drought: Water Savers Fined, Rich Get Free Reign
BreitbartCA: The number of penalties issued to water wasters during California’s record drought has decreased as most water agencies have successfully complied with a mandatory order to cut water use by 25 [Read More]
Cruz: No, I Won’t Let Boys Into Girls Showers
“I’m the father of two daughters, and the idea that the federal government is coming in saying that boys, with all the god-given equipment of boys, can be in the [Read More]