Give Me a Break – CNN Rips-Off the Bingo Idea
We did Barack’s Bullsh1t Bingo on iOwnTheWorld for Obama’s FIRST State of the Union Address – January 27th, 2010. We’ve been seeing various versions since then. We just did the Republican [Read More]
Giant Felled By Staph Infection
Daniel Fells had a cortisone shot in an ankle late September. A week later the Giant’s tight end was hospitalized with an MRSA infection that has required five surgeries to address. [Read More]
Heads Up! Big Announcement Tomorrow For iOTWreport – It’s Good News
I’ll be working on the announcement later tonight. I’ll post it tomorrow.
“Freedom Requires No Justification”
In this episode of NOIR, “Freedom Requires No Justification,” Colion confronts the rhetoric and interrogation tactics used by the mainstream media to control the gun rights narrative.
Is that what she wants for a Canadian woman? Invisibility? Nothingness?
We have come a long way from the days when men could say “She was asking for it.” Here in Canada we teach that women are equal to men. We [Read More]
The Left’s Black Male Voter Base May Peel Off If They Nominate a Woman
Rappers, and the thugs who wanna be like them, are like the Taliban. They treat women like chattel. I don’t think they are going to run out and vote for [Read More]
The Donald Will Be Live Tweeting the Democrat Debates
It should be very entertaining. DONALD TRUMP TWITTER FEED ht/ Tammy
Saudi-Arabia’s Tent City Could House 3 Million Refugees
VladTepes- […]The wealthiest nation of the Arab states near Syria will not admit a single refugee. But what does the situation look like in terms of their capacity? For weeks [Read More]
Congratulations Chicago Cubs
Chicago Cubs 2015 NL Division Championship. Next stop, NL Championship Series. Will it be versus the Mets or the Dodgers? (So much for how great the Cardinals were. I was [Read More]
PP Out of Baby Body Parts Sales
The head of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, announced in a letter today to the National Institutes of Health that they will no longer take “reimbursement” for the sale of aborted [Read More]
$12 Trillion Hole
Stephen Moore asks “what do we have to show for ourselves after 7 years of Obamanomics?” Obama has nothing but one disappoint after another for a legacy. More
Happy Birthday, USN!
America’s Navy
Wanna Budler?
The worlds two largest brewers, AB InBev (Budweiser brand) and SABMiller (Miller High Life and Lite Beer brands) are going to merge for a combined global market share of 31%. [Read More]