35 of Yogi Berra’s most memorable quotes
Many of the quotes attributed to Yogi Berra aren’t Berra at all. Many in this article. And there was a time that Berra got a little annoyed at some of [Read More]
Many of the quotes attributed to Yogi Berra aren’t Berra at all. Many in this article. And there was a time that Berra got a little annoyed at some of [Read More]
The 1920s beat the 1950s Next up-the 2000s versus 1930. Click Read More to vote.
“Hey, do you want to go with me? I can treat you really well,” a 76-year-old woman with a limp says as a reporter approaches her on a recent sunny [Read More]
To This Secular Muslim, Ben Carson Had a Point. Asra Q. Noman– DailyBeast. Take it from someone who’s been fighting it her whole adult life: The sad truth is that [Read More]
CONGRATULATIONS Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. THANK YOU! The infamous “Ground Zero mosque” debate is officially over. A “market maker” 70-story skyscraper will soon break ground at lower Manhattan’s 45 [Read More]
The AP confirmed today what Gateway Pundit observed on Wednesday. Sophie Cruz, the daughter of illegal immigrants, who made it past security to hand the Pope a message was part of a [Read More]
Tammy Bruce- That’s the essence of the climate-change agenda of America’s most prominent Democrats. They have pledged to cut carbon-dioxide emissions by 80% by 2050, (aka 80 by 50). Their [Read More]
This girl is either very, very stupid, or she knows better and thought this stunt would be cute. This jerk tosses a land tortoise, specifically a gopher tortoise (an endangered [Read More]
Washington (CNN)- An email chain between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-commander of U.S. Central Command David Petraeus from January and February 2009 is raising questions about whether [Read More]
Intellectual Froglegs Click Read More for Joe Dan’s playlist.
The cast was announced yesterday and primary filming began in Oklahoma City this week on the Kermit Gosnell movie. With a script written by Andrew Klaven and Nick Searcy (Justified) directing, [Read More]
The Family Research Council held its 10th annual Values Voter Summit at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. Ted Cruz on everything- [ And he’s got jokes 🙂 ] Click [Read More]
Yep. The teacher who was threatened (the thug also threatened to rape her daughter) is the one in trouble. She had the temerity to report the threat to the police. [Read More]
In a rambling, stupid and condescending video on reproduction, Bill Nye tries to tell Pro- Lifers to just accept his understanding of “science” and stop being so unreasonable about abortion. [Read More]
CBS- While business owners who spoke with CBS said they support giving their workers higher wages, they also said boosting wages to $19 an hour would threaten the viability of [Read More]
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