Image Test – Provided By
This is another image test. The server said they resolved the issue. Let’s see if they did. Anyone not seeing the image, say so. I’m particularly interested in people who [Read More]
This is another image test. The server said they resolved the issue. Let’s see if they did. Anyone not seeing the image, say so. I’m particularly interested in people who [Read More]
“If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier [Read More]
With news like this, let’s hope that Hillary Clinton does win the Democrat presidential primary. If she is the nominee how is she going to do in flyover country if her [Read More]
AWD: How inconvenient that First Amendment is for the tyrannists in government and their friends in the savage world of Islam! While you were sleeping, a federal prosecutor named Bill [Read More]
National Review- There is little to no curiosity among our media elite about how a Democratic candidate for president is able to campaign on a shrinking middle class, record highs [Read More]
Here’s How He Responds
ALBANY, Ga. (AP) — A former peanut company executive was sentenced Monday to 28 years in prison for his role in a deadly salmonella outbreak, the stiffest punishment ever handed [Read More]
USA Today- WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats blocked a vote Tuesday on a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The action highlighted the partisan divide on the emotional issue the same [Read More]
For 21 years Joe Juranitch dressed up in Viking garb and entertained fans of the Minnesota team with his on field antics. But no more. Ragnar, as the character is [Read More]
A man who insists that he’s a woman is upset because a body scan at airport security revealed something that is not supposed to be in the genital area of [Read More]
No Limits Even in the 9th Month.
If you are one of the people who haven’t been able to see images yesterday, please let me know in the comments if you are seeing this image. The image [Read More]
TheLastRefuge: Knowing the GOPe road map to nominate Jeb Bush depends upon a strategy of diminished primary voter turnout, the Stump for Trump ladies make a video showing how to [Read More]
Gateway Pundit- Not only is this president unwilling to go after, to call out radical Islam by its name, but at time President Obama has acted like an apologist for [Read More]
EdwardKlein– The talk in Democratic Party circles is that Barack Obama has told Joe Biden that he is prepared to endorse him for president if, in return, Biden promises to [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.