Just a Quarter of Americans Would Vote for Obama Today
WHD- President Obama recently mused that he could probably win a third term because, in his opinion, he’s been a pretty darn good president. Only, Americans beg to disagree.
WHD- President Obama recently mused that he could probably win a third term because, in his opinion, he’s been a pretty darn good president. Only, Americans beg to disagree.
In more ways than one. U.S. House and Senate Each Said They Had Only 45 Employees–Then Signed Up 12,359 for Insurance on Obamacare ‘Small-Business’ Exchange. (CNSNews.com) – Both the U.S. [Read More]
Inspector general: Hillary Clinton emails included “TOP SECRET” information pic.twitter.com/YSeBglR8MI — Jon Passantino (@passantino) August 11, 2015
AEI- January to June job losses for Seattle area restaurants (-1,300) largest since Great Recession. In June of last year, the Seattle city council passed a $15 minimum wage law [Read More]
EAG News: ST. PAUL, Minn. – Aaron Benner knew he couldn’t stay in St. Paul Public Schools as a teacher any longer. But after dedicating 14 years of his life [Read More]
(CNSNews.com) – GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday that while black lives do matter, we should be worried that “the most likely cause of [Read More]
Politichicks- Amidst the hubbub about last week’s Republican candidates’ debate, the media seems to have ignored a development of potentially far more enduring impact on the coming presidential election.
IsraelMatzav: Ted Cruz made a speech at the RedState conference in which he laid out five actions he would take on his first day in office. During this speech, Cruz [Read More]
Vdare: Support for Puerto Rico Statehood Bad for Jeb’s Iowa Prospects. Jeb Bush supports making Puerto Rico the 51st state. Several months back Jeb actually visited the island to proclaim [Read More]
Biden’s record has been broken. ht. illustr8r
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