Subway’s Jared Fogle’s House Searched By Police
The police aren’t making any statements about why they are searching Subway spokesman Jared Fogle’s home but chances are good that it is connected to the recent arrest of the [Read More]
The police aren’t making any statements about why they are searching Subway spokesman Jared Fogle’s home but chances are good that it is connected to the recent arrest of the [Read More]
Last week, while out trying to rally some support for Obamacare, President Obama made an appearance at an elementary school in Nashville. During the Q&A portion of the event an audience member, [Read More]
An older, but must-see video that explains leftism in stages. He is describing America today. Feminists and other leftists are useful idiots who serve only to destabilise the society. When [Read More]
ThomasSowell- [Townhall] Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of “a legacy of slavery.” But anyone who is being serious, as distinguished from being political, would surely want [Read More]
Ezra Levant: See, in North America, we argue over whether or not bakeries should be compelled to bake gay wedding cakes. In much of the Muslim world, the gay rights [Read More]
Maggie’sFarm- He talks about business people, but neglects the frequency of psychopathy in politicians. I think it’s more common in the latter. Over the years, I have told some number [Read More]
MyNorthwest—Report: Advisory committee considers idea of eliminating zoning for single-family homes in Seattle. If adopted, ideas being considered by a Seattle housing committee would be devastating to the city’s appeal, KIRO [Read More]
Dennis Prager has been doing a series in the National Review on how to tell a Liberal from a Conservative. The latest article defines how each view the role of [Read More]
I.S.- Not everyone maintains their smoke detectors. One common problem is that there are people who don’t replace the batteries so some state and city officials in their infinite wisdom are passing laws [Read More]
OddityCentral- Stupid ‘Sunburn Art’ Trend Puts People at Risk of Skin Cancer. Thousands of Instagrammers around the world are risking skin cancer in a bid to follow the latest online craze [Read More]
Vdare– The overwhelming silent majority of American citizens who are immigration patriots have been wondering for years when someone would tell the truth and force the Main Stream Media to [Read More]
#BetterIdeasForISIS Learn a trade or start a franchise. It’s hard to get a good hotdog in the desert. — MarketRunner (@SWGaspar) July 6, 2015 More here
The Arizona Daily Star has declared that a 14-foot-high border fence is injuring illegals as they attempt to climb over it.
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